Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Хімічна інженерія, екологія та ресурсозбереження: збірник наукових праць
Постійне посилання на фонд
ISSN 2664-1763 (Online), ISSN 2617-9741 (Print)
Періодичність: 2 рази на рік
Рік заснування: 1982
Тематика: проблеми екології, хімічної інженерії, ресурсо- та енергозбереження, хімічного, нафтопереробного, полімерного та силікатного машинобудування.
Офіційний сайт: http://chemengine.kpi.ua/
Рік заснування: 1982
Тематика: проблеми екології, хімічної інженерії, ресурсо- та енергозбереження, хімічного, нафтопереробного, полімерного та силікатного машинобудування.
Офіційний сайт: http://chemengine.kpi.ua/
Перегляд Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Хімічна інженерія, екологія та ресурсозбереження: збірник наукових праць за Назва
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Результатів на сторінці
Налаштування сортування
Документ Відкритий доступ Biochar for wastewater treatment – a Minireview**(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Johansson Westholm, LenaДокумент Відкритий доступ Block catalytic system for neutralization of carbon monoxide based on aerated concrete(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Ivanenko, Olena; Radovenchyk, Vіacheslav; Karvatskii, Аnton; Mikulionok, Іgor; Plashykhin, Serhii; Overchenko, Tetiyna; Nosachova, Yuliia; Dovholap, SerhiiДокумент Відкритий доступ Comparison the modern controllers’ efficiency for the spray dryer’s control system(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Sytnikov, Oleksii; Skladannyy, Denys; Plashykhin, Sergii; Sokolov, KostiantynSpray drying is one of the widely used drying process in chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industry. This process allows removing water from the product, which is produced in the solution form, and turn the finished product into a flowing powder material. It is obvious that such a process requires a significant amount of thermal energy, which is spent on the water evaporation. In addition, as in any drying process, in spray drying there is a problem with possible material over-drying. Therefore, the task of qualitative regulation of the spray drying process remains relevant. In this article, we attempt to compare the efficiency of two modern controllers for controlling the spray drying process. This is known in the theory of control of dynamic objects using predictive models model predictive controller and a fuzzy controller based on linguistic variables. The regulators choice due to both their popularity and high control quality indicators, which are given in published scientific works. The study was performed on based on spray drying process models, which were obtained in the previous work of the authors. In the research we used the software package MATLAB Simulink for control systems simulation. The research result show, that using the MPС-controller in the spray dryer’s control system allow to reduce the transient processes time. However, in case of a fuzzy controller, the control system partially levelling the mathematical model’s inaccuracy.Документ Відкритий доступ Dependence of corrosion activity of aquaticpetroleum mixtures on characteristics of aquatic environments(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Homenko, Anna; Gomelya, Mykola; Мakarenko, Iryna; Shabliy, TetianaДокумент Відкритий доступ Development of a spray dryer’s mathematical model for control tasks(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Sytnikov, Oleksii; Skladannyy, Denys; Sokolov, KostiantynThe sustainable development paradigm includes the most efficient material and energy resources using in production processes. One of the ways to achieve this goal is creating the effective automated control systems. At the same time, such systems effective functioning is impossible without adequate mathematical models for control objects. Thus, the actual task of this study is to create the control object – a spray dryer -model-, which could be used in the control system. It was established that one of the main devices in the sodium tripolyphosphate production is a spray dryer in which the aqueous salts suspension is dried by flue gases. The obtained powdery product which is fed into the calcination furnace. The work investigated convective drying, where the material is in direct contact with the drying agent – furnace gas. To drying process control by the drying agent temperature. The existing works analysis showed that the mathematical model developing process of a spray dryer requires in-depth research into the physical nature of processes which taking object's operation’s various factors into account. The object presentation can be carried out with different approaches taking into account various important production factors, but at the same time it should be as close as possible to the nature of process. The development of the spray drying process model is carried out for regulation the moisture at the finished product. The beginning of the research is the structural and parametric diagram creation of a spray dryer taking into account all input and output values which allow to determine the control disturbance channels. A material balance based on the moisture and loose matter amount and a gas environment heat balance is compiled. The transfer functions component calculation is carried out using the Kramer method. The presented results of the research make it possible to build and analyse the spray dryer mathematical model taking into account the requirements for the substance moisture content be dried and the control process analysis by the drying agent temperature changing. The transient characteristics of the spray dryer by the disturbance and control channels, which are calculated and presented in the research make it possible to compare the control object behaviour with and without taking heat loss into the environment the assumptions into account.Документ Відкритий доступ Evaluation of efficiency of coagulant obtained from elaborated red sludge from alumina plant(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Kryzhanovska, Y. P.; Gomelya, M. D.; Radovenchik, Y. V.; Shabliy, T. O.; Migranova, V. O.Документ Відкритий доступ Evaluation of the efficacy of alkylimidazolines in reducing the corrosion aggressiveness of oilcontaining waters(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Homenko, Anna; Gomelya, Mykola; Shabliy, TetianaДокумент Відкритий доступ Evaluation of the electroflotation efficiency for the oil-containing shipping waters treatment(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Vozniuk, Marta; Shabliy, TetianaThe article describes the problems of formation and purification of ship oil-containing waters. The effectiveness of electroflotation using aluminum and iron anodes for the extraction of oil from water-oil emulsions with different mineralization was assessed. Electroflotation treatment of water-oil solutions provides 98.6–99.9 % oil removal using aluminum or iron electrodes at an anodic current density of 1.65–7.39 A/dm2 for highly mineralized waters and 0.07–0.50 A/dm2 for fresh water. Water treatment during the first 15 minutes provides a sharp decrease in oil content from 100 mg/dm3 to 1.31–2.52 mg/dm3, almost regardless of the type of anode metal. The efficiency of oil extraction from water mainly depends on its mineralization. In mineralized (salty) water, the treatment process is more efficient. In fresh waters, aluminum anode provides higher water purification efficiency compared to iron anode. However, in the case of pre-treatment of the iron anode with an alkali solution with the formation of a magnetite layer on it, this anode is characterized by the highest purification efficiency for low-salt waters, providing a degree of water purification at the level of 99.9 %.Документ Відкритий доступ Features of cascading disk-gear extrusion of plastics(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Kovba, A.; Shved, M.; Shved, D.Документ Відкритий доступ Gause's principle against Dennis Meadow’s(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Shabliy, O. V.; Sidorov, D. E.; Huryeva, L. N.; Glushchenko, M. O.Документ Відкритий доступ Increasing the efficiency of transfer processes when using inhomogeneous fluidization(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Kornienko, Yaroslav; Haidai, Serhii; Sameliuk, OleksandrThe processes of dehydration and granulation are associated with the heat transfer to the solid particles from the gas coolant, which acts as a fluidizing agent and causes the stochastic movement of the granular material in the apparatus. To implement the layered structure mechanism of granulation of organic-mineral fertilizers it is necessary to ensure intensive circulation of granular material with intensive gradual passage through the appropriate technological zones of the apparatus. The main problem is the low efficiency of interphase exchange in the gas-liquid-solid system and the formation of agglomerates during granulation with the injection of a liquid heterogeneous solution into the bed of solid granular material. In this work the conditions for increasing the efficiency of the transfer processes when using an inhomogeneous jet-pulsating mode of fluidization were determined. Analysis of the intensity of renewal of the contact surface of the phases when using inhomogeneous jet-pulsating fluidization in the self-oscillating mode was carried out. It was established that the use of this mode of fluidization allows getting a significant intensification of heat and mass transfer processes due to the activation of diffusion-controlled processes and an increase in the dynamics of interphase contact exchange by 1.9÷2.9 m2/s, which is 27÷41% of the total surface of the material in device.Документ Відкритий доступ Method for PID-tuning via feedback control system pole placement(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Zhuchenko, A. I.; Putiatin, R. O.Pole placement is the only PID-tuning technic that allows one to obtain a control system with desired, and, moreover, highly predictable performance and control quality. Number of controller tuning parameters is equal to number of poles closed-loop poles it can precicely place, so that PID-controller can place exactly three poles, and PI- can place only two. For this reason PI-controller is best used with first-order processes (second-order closed loop system), and PID-controller with second-orded ones (third-order closed loop system). However, many processes have higher order than two, and still are controlled with PID-controllers. To tune it using pole placement techniques, it is necessary to consider only dominant poles, which affect performance of the system to the greatest extent. First, it is necessary to study a PI-controller with a second-order process, which is the most basic case. Tuning is performed using global optimization methods to fit dominant poles of a tuned system to dominant poles of a reference system.Документ Відкритий доступ Modelling of high performance electrocoalescer based on experimental data(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Putiatin, R. O.; Tsapar, V. S.Modern approaches to automatic control of crude oil dewatering and desalting are predominantly model-free, and described model-based systems lack precise mathematical description. Not a single research provides a dynamic input-output model for electric dehydrator, suitable for control system development. As far as electric dehydrator, which is the main plant to control in the process, is a non-linear system with distributed parameters, a need for linearization arises. The aim of present study is to compare different methods for obtaining approximate transfer function of an electric dehydrator from graphical experimental data.Документ Відкритий доступ Morphological content and recyclability of separate collected packages: a case study for Kaunas, Lithuania**(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Mickevičiūtė, Evelina; Šleiniūtė, Agnė; Pitak, Inna; Mumladze, Tamari; Sholokhova, Anastasiia; Denafas, GintarasДокумент Відкритий доступ Resource characteristics and technological features of low temperature heat pipes creation(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2016) Shapoval, A. A.; Streltsova, Yu. V.Документ Відкритий доступ Simulation of hydrodynamics in gas distribution devices for non-homogeneous mode of fluidization(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Kornienko, Yaroslav; Serhii Haidai, Pavlo; Yevziutin, Pavlo; Sameliuk, OleksandrAn increase in the intensity of diffusion-controlled processes during granulation is provided by apparatuses with nonhomogeneous fluidization, the hydrodynamics of which significantly depends on the structural features of the granulator chamber and the gas distributing device (GDD). The main problem is the formation of stagnant zones on the working surface of GDD, which, when supplying a coolant with temperature that exceeds the melting point of granules, leads to the melting of solids and the termination of the process. In this work, the simulation of hydrodynamics in the granulator chamber was carried out using SolidWorks 2022 SP2 for 4 types of gas distribution devices (GDD) of different configurations with different values of the cross-section coefficient of GDD. The analysis of the simulation results shows that the most significant influence on the hydrodynamic activity index near the surface of GDD iha has the cross-section coefficient of GDD , since even an insignificant increase in the value of φ from 3.0 to 3.5% leads to a significant decrease in the hydrodynamic activity index iha by at least 1.4 times for all considered types of GDD. The simulation of hydrodynamics was carried out without taking into account the presence of solid granular material in the granulator chamber and near the surface of GDD plate.Документ Відкритий доступ Sugarcane biomass as а potential carrier for drug delivery system(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Halysh, Vita; Sevastyanova, Olena; Zhao, YadongДокумент Відкритий доступ X-RAY structural study of membranes based on Na-CMC AND CS-Cl for water purification(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Demchenko, Valerii; Shtompel, Volodymyr; Ovsiankina, Viktoriia; Broshko, Oleh; Krysenko, Tamara; Yurzhenko, Maksym; Romanyukina, IrynaThe level of environmental pollution is increasing year by year. Solving this problem requires the development and application of new effective technologies and materials for wastewater treatment and processing of accumulated waste. One of the alternative directions is membrane technologies, in particular, the development of biodegradable nanocomposite membranes.Документ Відкритий доступ Автоматизація черв’ячної машини для виготовлення бортових кілець пневматичних шин(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2015) Маховський, Д. С.; Миленький, В. В.; Мікульонок, І. О.Розроблено автоматизовану систему керування й захисту черв’ячної машини для виготовлення заготовок бортових кілець пневматичних шин під час робочого режиму й повторного пуску. Ефективність системи з ПІ-регулятором апробовано на ПАТ «Росава».Документ Відкритий доступ Автоматизована геоінформаційна система комплексного екологічного контролю(НТУУ «КПІ», 2013) Мокін, Віталій Борисович; Боцула, Мирослав Павлович; Крижановський, Євгеній Миколайович; Ящолт, Андрій Русланович; Mokin, V. B.; Botsula, M. P.; Kryzhanovsky, E. M.; Yashcholt, A. R.