Makatora, DmytroZenkin, MykolaMykhalko, AnastasiiaKovalоv, YuriіPleshko, SergeyМакатьора, Дмитро АнатолійовичЗенкін, Микола АнатолійовичМихалко, Анастасія ОлегівнаКовальов, Юрій АдіславовичПлешко, Сергій Анатолійович2024-01-212024-01-212023-03-17A coordination mechanism for parallel learning between higher educational institutions in different countries worldwide / D. Makatora, M. Zenkin, A. Makhalko, Yu. Kovalov, S. Pleshko // Journal of Corriculum and Teacting (JCT). – 2023. – Vol. 12, No. 2; Special Issue. – P. 22-29.1927-26771927-2685 institutions are a unique system, much more complex than other areas of economic and social life (security, transportation, communications), as it is closely linked to all industries, as well as spiritual and material aspects of both the past and the present. Each country has its mechanism for organizing its educational system. The most powerful initiators of changes in the education system are not its problems or needs but external factors, primarily priorities and requirements for education and upbringing that arise in connection with the country’s inclusion in the common movement of the world community, changes in production, culture, social and security spheres, etc. Therefore, all trends in higher education take into account, on the one hand, the priorities of preserving the cultural diversity of national educational systems and, on the other hand, the tasks of improving international cooperation, student mobility, and employment in the international community. In the course of the research, systemic-structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, and idealization in the processing of scientific information were applied to study and process materials on parallel learning between HEIs around the world. During the research, the most important trends in the study of issues related to parallel learning in higher educational institutions around the world have been outlined. Moreover, based on the questionnaire survey results, the standpoint of university heads and teachers, as well as scholars studying the mechanisms of higher education in different countries of the world, on certain practical aspects have been revealed.8endiversity of national education systemscoordination of parallel studiesinter-university cooperationcompetitive environment in educationeducation abroadstructured higher education systemsрізноманіття національних систем освітикоординація паралельного навчанняміжвузівська співпрацяконкурентне середовище в освітіосвіта за кордономструктуровані системи вищої освітиA Coordination Mechanism for Parallel Learning between Higher Educational Institutions in Different Countries WorldwideКоординаційний механізм паралельного навчання між вищими навчальними закладами в різних країнах світуArticle22-29