Zenkin, MykolaMakatora, Dmytro2024-06-052024-06-052024-05-29Zenkin, M. Teaching of technical disciplines using innovative technologies / Zenkin M., Makatora D. // Перспективи та інновації науки. Серія "Педагогіка". - 2024. - № 5 (39). - С. 29-37.2786-4952https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/67050Innovative technologies are technologies that involve not so much the learning of a discipline, but the formation of competencies, for which active and interactive learning methods are used. At the current stage of development of a modern student of higher education, it is very important for a student to correctly perceive information, for the formation of skills, motivation, which provides for learning and mastering technical disciplines. From the first meetings with students, teachers of technical disciplines must ensure a concrete understanding of the goals of studying the discipline and the contribution of this discipline to the formation of competencies. The use of innovative technologies requires significant methodical work from the scientific and pedagogical worker: preparation of cards, tasks, slides, methodical instructions. All this contributes to a higher level of assimilation of the educational material. In addition, it is possible to achieve this by solving non-standard tasks, participating in all-Ukrainian, intra-university, city and regional Olympiads, for example, in theoretical mechanics, in which students of our higher education institution take an active part. The main results in the formation of general cultural competences are as follows: students became more active in the educational process, acquired teamwork skills. The use of innovative technologies in the educational process is a necessary component of modern student education. Working with interactive and innovative technologies, the teacher achieves the efficiency of learning the educational material. It must be remembered that state-of-the-art technical means of education will not provide the necessary effect if they are used ineptly, without the necessary methodical preparation and development of didactic materials, in violation of ergonomic and psychological-pedagogical requirements, with an unjustified expansion of their application areas. Innovative training methods contribute to the high-quality training of specialists in printing systems, who are able to widely apply the acquired knowledge at the enterprises of the industry.eninnovative technologieseducational processteaching methodstraining of specialistsінноваційні технологіїосвітній процесметоди навчанняпідготовка фахівцівTeaching of technical disciplines using innovative technologiesВикладання технічних дисциплін з використанням інноваційніх технологійArticleС. 29-37https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-4952-2024-5(39)-29-3737:0040000-0002-8840-05720000-0002-1909-900X