Korablov, D. S.Bezdorozhev, O. V.Solonin, Yu. M.2023-12-182023-12-182021Korablov, D. S. Effect of preparation procedures and hydrolysis parameters on the hydrolysis performance of MgH2-MgCl2 nanocomposites / D. S. Korablov, O. V. Bezdorozhev, Yu. M. Solonin // Відновлювана енергетика та енергоефективність у XXI столітті : матеріали XXІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20-21 травня 2021 р.). – Київ : Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАНУ, 2021. – С. 339-341.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/63189Magnesium hydride is an attractive material for solid-state hydrogen storage and for hydrogen generation via hydrolysis due to its high capacity of hydrogen and low cost. However, the hydrolysis reaction of MgH2 is rapidly blocked by the Mg(OH)2 passivation layer, which can be destabilized by Cl– ions. By taking into account this fact, we performed high-energy ball milling synthesis of MgH2 with MgCl2 additive, and evaluated the effect of preparation procedures and hydrolysis parameters on the hydrolysis performance of the prepared materials.enmagnesium hydridehydrolysishydrogen generationnanocompositeshigh-energy ball millingEffect of preparation procedures and hydrolysis parameters on the hydrolysis performance of MgH2-MgCl2 nanocompositesArticleС. 339-341661.961/.9680000-0002-0026-6031