Derevianko, D.Danilin, O.Hilevych, K.2023-04-062023-04-062020Derevianko, D. Peculiarities of lightning protector of ground solar power plants in Ukraine / D. Derevianko, O. Danilin, K. Hilevych // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія : науковий журнал. – 2020. – № 4 (62). – С. 59-63. – Бібліогр.: 6 назв. of the most promising and developing areas in the energy sector is development of renewable energy sources. Among others technologies of solar energy and wind power are the fastest to develop in the sector. That is why solar power plants are under discussion in this paper. The increase in the Solar Power Plant’s capacity in Ukraine from 2018 to 2020 reached 7 times. Problems that may interfere with the functioning of the ground solar power plants are considered as this technology covers large areas of land and is on the 1st place on the amount of lightning strikes among the renewables. Ways to solve the problems associated with the damage from direct lightning strikes for ground solar power plants are discussed in this paper. Active and passive types of lightning protection for inland solar power plants are investigated and their modeling is carried out and presented in this paper. The measures proposed in this paper based on the implementation of an active lightning protection system ensure uninterrupted operation of the ground solar power plants, avoid reduction of service life and unnecessary economic costs for the replacement of damaged photovoltaic modules, reduced costs related to complexity of installation of passive system in comparison to active lightning protection system.enrenewable energy sourcessolar power plantslightning protectiondirect lightning strikespassive lightning protectionactive lightning protectionSWOT-analysisпоновлювані джерела енергіїсонячні електростанціїблискавкозахистпрямі удари блискавкипасивний блискавкозахистактивний блискавкозахистSWOT-аналізPeculiarities of lightning protector of ground solar power plants in UkraineОсобливості блискавкозахисту наземних сонячних електростанцій в УкраїніArticleС. 59-63681.120000-0002-4877-56010000-0003-3207-1156