Haieva, Polina Oleksandrivna2025-02-202025-02-202025-02Haieva, P. Structure and practical approaches to teaching technical English to international students in higher technical educational establishments of Ukraine / P. Haieva // Наукові інновації та передові технології. – 2025. – №2(42). – C. 1088-1096.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/72649Teaching technical English to international students in higher technical educational establishments of Ukraine is important in modern world in view of the process of globalization and integration of Ukraine into international educational and scientific structures. Possessing technical English skills for international students plays significant role in ensuring competitiveness in the world market place, especially in fields such as science, technology and engineering. Ukrainian Universities are being faced with the task of creating effective educational programs, which could help international students learn English at a proficient level. This involves not only studying of definitions and professional vocabulary, but also the development of writing and speaking skills in the scientific and technical context. Having fluent technical English is a key factor in students’ academic and professional success. Effective methods of teaching have to provide not only understanding language specifics, but also the progress of critical thinking and analytical skills, which help students to integrate into global technical societies. The research of structure and practical approaches to teaching technical English international students is crucial for future improvement of education and science in Ukraine, which contributes deeper integration into global scientific society. The study was conducted on the effectiveness of methods, which included analysis of different techniques such as interactive classes, usage of modern technologies and practical tasks, video lessons, online resorces and other digital instruments, defining their influence on the level of speaking competence of students and language acquisition. It was also centered on the modern challanges that international students are faced, including cultural, speaking and learning aspects. Results of the research lead to development of recommendations and improving of educational programs for international student IT specialties in Ukraine. Additionally, it’s important to mention, that development of such programs requires active engagement of teachets to exchange the experience with foreign colleagues, and using innovative methods of teaching. This wolud improve the level of education and integration of Ukrainian universities into the educational space.eninternational studentsmethods of teachingglobal societycultural aspecttechnical English skillsіноземні студентиметоди навчанняглобальне суспільствокультурний аспекттехнічні навички англійської мовиStructure and practical approaches to teaching technical English to international students in higher technical educational establishments of UkraineСтруктура та практичні підходи до викладання технічної англійської мови іноземним студентам у вищих технічних навчальних закладах УкраїниArticleС. 1088-1096378.147:811.111:371.30000-0002-2017-3430