Bazdyrev, Anton A.2024-03-152024-03-152023Bazdyrev, A. Semi-supervised inverted file index approach for approximate nearest neighbor search / A. Bazdyrev // Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології : міжнародний науково-технічний журнал. – 2023. – № 4. – С. 69-75. – Бібліогр.: 10 назв. paper introduces a novel modification to the Inverted File (IVF) index approach for approximate nearest neighbor search, incorporating supervised learning techniques to enhance the efficacy of intermediate clustering and achieve more balanced cluster sizes. The proposed method involves creating clusters using a neural network by solving a task to classify query vectors into the same bucket as their corresponding nearest neighbor vectors in the original dataset. When combined with minimizing the standard deviation of the bucket sizes, the indexing process becomes more efficient and accurate during the approximate nearest neighbor search. Through empirical evaluation on a test dataset, we demonstrate that the proposed semi-supervised IVF index approach outperforms the industry-standard IVF implementation with fixed parameters, including the total number of clusters and the number of clusters allocated to queries. This novel approach has promising implications for enhancing nearest-neighbor search efficiency in high-dimensional datasets across various applications, including information retrieval, natural language search, recommendation systems, etc.enapproximate nearest neighbor searchinverted file indexhighdimensional datamachine learningпошук наближених найближчих сусідівінвертований файловий індексдані високої розмірностімашинне навчанняSemi-supervised inverted file index approach for approximate nearest neighbor searchПідхід з напівкерованим навчанням в інвертованому файловому індексі для пошуку наближеного найближчого сусідаArticleС. 69-75