Barrat, SilvèreMyronyuk, Oleksiy2023-11-022023-11-022023Barrat, S. Nanosized additives and their impact on the fire resistance of coatings / Silvère Barrat, Oleksiy Myronyuk // Композиційні матеріали : монографія за матеріалами XІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної WEB-конференції (квітень 2023 р.). – Львів – Торунь : Liha-Pres, 2023. – С. 44-47. study investigated the impact of different nanosized additives on the fire resistance properties of intumescent coatings. The results showed that the addition of organically modified montmorillonite and hydrophobized silica reduced the fire resistance properties of the coatings. This was due to the expansion processes being shifted to higher temperatures, which increased the time of direct heating of the substrate. However, minor concentrations of organically modified montmorillonite significantly changed the structure of the coatings and increased their specific heat insulation properties. The study also observed that nanosized additives had an effect on the expansion factor and foam structure of the coatings. This effect was suggested to be due to the complex influence of the nanoparticles on the bubble growth processes through the modification of melt viscosity. Overall, the study highlights the importance of carefully selecting the type and concentration of nanosized additives when designing intumescent coatings for fire protection applications.enintumescent coatingexpansion factorheat insulationorganically modifed montmorillonitehydrophobic silicaNanosized additives and their impact on the fire resistance of coatingsArticleС. 44-47678.7