Іванова, Тетяна ВалеріївнаYang Meng2025-01-092025-01-092024Yang Meng. Attracting international investment in renewable energy on the basis of sustainable development : master's thesis : 051 Economics / Yang Meng. - Kyiv, 2024. - 130 р.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/71726The aim of the master's thesis is to improve the theoretical provisions and to develop the practical recommendations regarding attracting International Investment in Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development. The object of research is international investment in renewable energy. The subject of the study is the theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of how to attract the international investment in renewable energy. According to the results, the predict trends based on the current renewable investment data among different regions were determined in order to improve their investment environment.130 р.enAttracting international investment in renewable energy on the basis of sustainable development339