Minitsky, A.Minitska, N.Okhrimenko, О.Krasnovyd, D.2021-12-212021-12-212021Determining the influence exerted by the static conditions of final squeezing on the compaction process of ironbased powder materials / A. Minitsky, N. Minitska, О. Okhrimenko, D. Krasnovyd // European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - 1(109). - С. 63–68.1729-3774допресуванняfinal squeezingкоерцитивна силаcoercive forceзалізний порошокiron powderDetermining the influence exerted by the static conditions of final squeezing on the compaction process of ironbased powder materialsArticleС. 63–68