Nachev, A.Zhelezov, St.2023-08-212023-08-212013Nachev, A. Некоторые подходы для блокировки вредительских “капканов” в программах / Nachev A., Zhelezov St. // Information Technology and Security. – 2013. – Vol. 2, Iss. 1 (3). – Pp. 79–85. – Bibliogr.: 5 ref.2411-1031 (Print)2518-1033 (Online) specific features of the information protection systems in the computer systems and networks require the development of non-trivial methods for their analysis and assessment. Attempts for solutions in this area are given in this paper.enComputer Systems and TechnologiesModelInformation securityкомп’ютерні системи і технологіїмодельінформаційна безпекакомпьютерные системы и технологиимодельинформационная безопасностьAssessing the efficiency of information protection systems in the computer systems and networksArticlePp. 79-85