Pantelyat, M. G.Hryshchuk, Yu. S.Chepeliuk, O. O.Yeloiev, A. K.2023-05-262023-05-262021 technique for calculation and design of main structural elements of household induction cookers – inductors and magnetic cores is proposed. The technique consists of two stages. The first stage has been developed on the basis of engineering methods for calculating copper inductors of industrial induction heaters, taking into account the design features and operating modes of induction cookers, done in steps such as selection of geometrical dimensions of the inductor, calculation of main electrical and energy indicators of the inductor, calculation of the system ”inductor-dishes”, determination of the number of turns of the inductor and calculation of the width of the turn. The second stage represents an engineering approach for the calculation and design of magnetic cores made of MnZn ferrites, done in steps such as choice of material for the manufacture of magnetic core rods, choice of geometric dimensions of ferrite rods, calculation of the mass of the magnetic core and calculation of power losses in the magnetic circuit. The calculation results and designs of the inductors and magnetic cores with respect to a number of modes of heating of dishes of various geometric sizes are presented and analyzed. The developed techniques and the results obtained on its base are supplemented and supported by preliminary numerical analysis of the electromagnetic field distribution in induction cookers and heated dishes as well as by experimental research on the workbench developed. Conceptual designs of induction cookers developed by using the proposed approaches illustrate the techniques presented. The developed techniques can be used in the process of research and design of structural elements of household induction cookers, as well as in the educational process for the preparation of Bachelors and Masters in relevant educational programs.enhousehold induction cookerinductormagnetic coreferritecalculationdesignпобутова iндукцiйна плитаiндуктормагнiтопровiдферитрозрахунокпроектуваннябытовая индукционная плитаиндуктормагнитопроводферритрасчетпроектированиеHousehold Induction Cookers: Calculation and Design of Structural ElementsРозрахунок та проектування конструктивних елементiв побутових iндукцiйних плитРасчёт и проектирование конструктивных элементов бытовых индукционных плитArticlePp. 61-71Household Induction Cookers: Calculation and Design of Structural Elements / Pantelyat M. G., Hryshchuk Yu. S., Chepeliuk O. O., Yeloiev A. K. // Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Радіотехніка, радіоапаратобудування : збірник наукових праць. – 2021. – Вип. 87. – С. 61-71. – Бібліогр.: 16 назв.621.310000-0002-1357-21340000-0001-7427-54190000-0003-4522-98210000-0002-9169-3572