Denysiuk, S.Derevianko, D.Bielokha, H.Zaichenko, S.2023-04-212023-04-212022Aggregation price models for Microgrids with distributed energy resources / S. Denysiuk, D. Derevianko, H. Bielokha, S. Zaichenko // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія : науковий журнал. – 2022. – № 3. – С. 7-12. – Бібліогр.: 12 назв. development of Microgrid states the problem of choosing the optimal technologies for its composition. This paper is to present cost based demand-side management methods for the Microgrids with Distributed Generation sources to optimize their operation. While implementing variable pricing models the aggregator should take into account characteristics of different Distributed Energy Resources (DER) (diesel engines, gas turbines, fuel cells, solar panels, small hydropower plants and wind turbines) and LCOE for each type of DER to stimulate each local electricity market participant separately. The system Microgrid using three diesel generators and the option of replacing one generator with a solar electric and wind generator installation was considered.enMicrogridsdynamic pricingdemand-side managementмікромережідинамічне ціноутворенняуправління попитомAggregation price models for Microgrids with distributed energy resourcesЦінові моделі агрегування для Microgrid систем з розосередженими джерелами енергіїArticleС. 7-12