Shevchenko, Mariana2023-05-302023-05-302019Shevchenko, M. Study of authentic videos as stress-limiting aids in ESP and EFL lessons / Shevchenko, M. // Інноваційна педагогіка. - Вип. 11, Том 3. - Одеса, 2019. - С. 51-55. of authentic videos is a modern way of teaching English. Thus, their stress-limiting character in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lessons is studied in the article. The concept of stress and the causes of its appearance among university students are clarified. The meaning of ‘authentic videos’, their examples, features, and difference from adapted ones are presented as well. In addition to that, the fundamental functions of authentic video clips in English that ensure stress reduction during foreign languages studying, and the ways of limiting students’ stress using authentic videos in ESP lessons at technical universities are specified. The procedure and the results of the experimental verification of the studied issue are also provided.envideoEnglish as a Foreign LanguageEnglish for Specific Purposesteachinguniversitystressmultimediastudentвідеоанглійська моваавтентичнийфільмстресіноземна моватехнічнийстудентуніверситетзасібStudy of Authentic Videos as Stress-Limiting Aids in ESP and EFL lessonsДослідження автентичних відео як засобів, що обмежують стрес на заняттях із англійської мови технічного спрямування й англійської мови як іноземноїArticleС. 51-55378:811.1110000-0002-5881-0263