Tretiakova, LarisaMitiuk, LiudmylaPanasiuk, IgorRebuel, Elina2022-09-282022-09-282022Method for predicting the dissemination of hazardous substances in the soil during long-term storage of galvanic waste / Tretiakova, L., Mitiuk, L., Panasiuk, I., Rebuel, E. // EUREKA: Physics and Engineering. – 2022. – № 1. – С. 12–22.гальванічне виробництвонебезпечні речовинимінералізація грунтуgalvanic productionpredictioningress of hazardous substancessoil salinityMathematical model building for predicting the dissemination of hazardous substances in the soilArticleС. 12-22 556.388):631.40000-0001-5244-746Х0000 0003 4914 23870000-0001-6671-42660000-0002-9508-4125