Levchenko, OleksandrAleksiev, AlexanderKuts, YuriiLysenko, Iuliia2023-12-122023-12-122023Using the Red Pitaya platform in automated eddy current testing / Levchenko O., Aleksiev A., Kuts Y., Lysenko I. // International Journal “NDT Days”. - BSNDT: Bulgaria, 2023. - Volume 6, Issue 4. - P. 194-2012603-4018https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/62987This study highlights the use of the RedPitaya platform for developing prototypes of automated eddy current testing systems. The platform's flexibility, robustness, and affordability make it an ideal tool for such development. The versatility of RedPitaya allows for the integration of various programming environments like MATLAB, Python, and LabVIEW, efficient data processing, feature extraction, and decision-making algorithms. However, the lack of input commutators limits the use of matrix probes. The study suggests RedPitaya-based eddy current systems can serve dual roles, performing specific inspection tasks and facilitating research into new data processing methods and algorithms. Despite some limitations, RedPitaya offers promising opportunities for the evolution of eddy current testing systems.enautomated eddy current testingsystem prototypingRedPitayaUsing the RedPitaya Platform in Automated Eddy Current TestingArticleP. 194-2010000-0002-8493-94740000-0001-9110-6684