Myronyuk, OleksiyBaklan, DenysRodin, AleksejZuo Yong2023-11-022023-11-022023The combined effects of UV radiation and water flow on the deterioration of water-repellent coatings with textures / Oleksiy Myronyuk, Denys Baklan, Aleksej Rodin, Zuo Yong // Композиційні матеріали : монографія за матеріалами XІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної WEB-конференції (квітень 2023 р.). – Львів – Торунь : Liha-Pres, 2023. – С. 52-54. study analyzed micro- and nanotextured coatings resistance to UV radiation, water immersion, and flow. The coatings were created using modified calcium carbonate microparticles and treated colloidal silica nanoparticles. The study compared the aging of polymeric materials under UV radiation to hydrophobized particles and proposed a mechanism for organo-mineral coatings deterioration.enwater contact angleUV resistancewater repellent coatingscoatings complex destructionThe combined effects of UV radiation and water flow on the deterioration of water-repellent coatings with texturesArticleС. 52-54677.03:620.22