Zabilo, YaroslavShlykov, VladyslavVovianko, Svitlana2023-07-202023-07-202023Zabilo, Y. Using the peltier effect for intravascular cooling of donor organs / Zabilo Yaroslav, Shlykov Vladyslav, Vovianko Svitlana // Біомедична інженерія і технологія. – 2023. – № 10. – С. 23-30. – Бібліогр.: 13 назв.2707-8434 work is devoted to the problem of perfusion preservation of donor organs under conditions of controlled cooling. For the purpose of cooling is promising to use the Peltier effect. In particular, the Peltier effect is one method of cooling that can be used to preserve and transport organs from donors to recipients. One of the advantages of using the Peltier effect is that this method does not require the use of additional liquid coolers, which allows you to avoid potential problems related to contamination of organs or disruption of their structure. In addition, cooling by means of the Peltier effect is quite efficient and can be controlled by changing the electric current. A separate problem is the development of the design of the intravascular cooling system to preserve the viability of the organ intended for transplantation, taking into account its characteristics. The developed insulated container with cooling system has good thermal insulation. To evaluate the efficiency of the cooling system, the calculation of cooling losses was carried out. According to the performed calculations, for cooling the solution with which the donor organ is perfused, it is advisable to use Peltier elements, that possible to develop a compact and inexpensive system for viability of donor organs. The use of such a system increases the viability of transplants, reduces the probability of ischemic and ischemic-reperfusion injuries accompanying the process of donor organs preservation.enPeltier effecttransplantationtransportation of donor organsorgan viabilitycooling systemPeltier elementtemperature stabilizationефект Пельтьєтрансплантаціятранспортування донорських органівжиттєздатність органівсистема охолодженняелемент Пельтьєтемпературна стабілізаціяUsing the peltier effect for intravascular cooling of donor organsВикористання ефекту пельтьє для внутрішньосудинного охолодження донорських органівArticlePp. 23-30