Iakunina, Natalia OleksandrivnaDanylevych, Oleksandr GennadiiovychYurchenko, Irina OleksandrivnaRebenchuk, Tetyana LvivnaFedotov, Viacheslav VitalievichKlymuk, Olena Serhiivna2019-12-022019-12-022019Methodological instructions for laboratory work No.7(1): «Investigation of the rotational motion of a solid body and determination of the velocity of the bullet with the help of a torsion ballistic pendulum» [Electronic resource] : tutorial for students of specialty 163 «Biomedical Engineering», of specializations «Biomedical Informatics», «Clinical Engineering», «Rehabilitation Engineering» / Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ; compilers: N. O. Iakunina, О. G. Danylevych, I. О. Yurchenko, T. L. Rebenchuk, V. V. Fedotov, O. S. Klymuk. – Electronic text data (1 file: 0,27 Mb). – Kyiv : Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2019. – 9 p. – Title from the screen.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/30146enrotational motionsolid bodytorsion balistic pendulumMethodological instructions for laboratory work No.7(1) «Investigation of the rotational motion of a solid body and determination of the velocity of the bullet with the help of a torsion ballistic pendulum»Methodical Material9 p.