Denbnovetsky, StanislavSlobodian, Nina2023-10-242023-10-242007Slobodian, N. V. Simulation of defectoscopic X-ray television systems for non-destructive testing of semiconductor materials : thesis abstract ... candidate technical of science : 05.27.01 – solid-state electronics. – Kyiv : National technical university of Ukraine “KPI”, 2007. – 23 p. work is devoted to increasing effectiveness of X-ray television systems for non-destructive testing on base of selecting by simulation the most profitable functioning regimes of X-ray-electrical signal converter unit for testing of the semiconductor materials. The method of selecting the most profitable X-ray apparatus regime is proposed. The simulation of radiation generation from pulse X-ray tubes is performed. For small-signal approach the end-to-end model of X-ray-electrical signal unit with X-ray vidicon by means of linear digital non-recursive filter is made. The digital non-linear model of such unit is implemented. The end-to-end model of converter with CCD-matrix is developed and applied. Good correspondence between the results obtained in the framework of proposed model and by performed experiments is achieved.23 p.enX-ray television systemnon-destructive testingsimulationX-ray vidiconCCD-matrixsemiconductor materialsрентгенотелевізійна системанеруйнівний контрольмоделюваннярентгеновідиконПЗЗ-матрицянапівпровідникові матеріалиSimulation of defectoscopic X-ray television systems for non-destructive testing of semiconductor materialsМоделювання дефектоскопічних рентгенотелевізійних систем для дослідження напівпровідникових матеріалівThesis621.397.2:621.3860000-0002-1515-1050