Boiarynova, KaterynaKravchenko, MarynaKopishynska, KaterynaMelnychuk, Victoria2024-08-252024-08-252024Startup Project Development. Practicum [Electronic resource] : as a study aid for master's applicants on the educational programmes: «Economic Analytics», «Economics and Business», «International Economics» of the specialty 051 Economics / Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ; comp.: K. Boiarynova, M. Kravchenko, K. Kopishynska, V. Melnychuk. – Electronic text data (1 file: 2,8 Mb). – Kyiv : Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2024. – 93 p. – Title from the screen. educational guide contains learning objectives for workshops in the discipline «Startup project development»: cases, exercises, practical skills training, as well as questions for selfexamination. Attention is paid to an in-depth study of the tools of economic support for the development and implementation of startup projects. Designed for master's degree students studying in the specialty 051 Economics.93 p.enpracticumStartup Projecpractical skills trainingStartup Project Development. PracticumLearning Object330.342(075.8)0000-0001-5879-22130000-0001-5405-01590000-0002-1609-29020000-0001-8246-4076