Іванова, Тетяна ВалеріївнаChuanting Chen2025-01-092025-01-092024Chuanting Chen. Development of international cooperation inthefield of green energy in the context of sustainable development : master's thesis : 051 Economics / Chuanting Chen. - Kyiv, 2024. - 126 р.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/71730The main purpose of this study is to provide theoretical, methodologicaland practical recommendations for improving international cooperationongreen energy. The study focuses on overcoming barriers, promotingstrategicpartnerships, and forecasting the economic impact of proposed measurestostrengthen global renewable energy initiatives. Research object: The process of promoting international cooperationingreen energy. The study provides a roadmap for international cooperation inthefieldofgreen energy. The findings highlight the importance of overcomingbarriersandpromoting strategic alliances to accelerate the global transition torenewableenergy. In addition, the paper highlights the economic benefits of cooperation,including job creation, expanding markets and stabilizing energyprices,positioning green energy as a cornerstone of global sustainable development.126 р.enDevelopment of international cooperation inthefield of green energy in the context of sustainable developmentMaster Thesis339.9