Dolynnyi, OleksandrNikolskiy, SerhiyKulakov, Yurii2023-04-182023-04-182020Dolynnyi, O. The method of SDN clustering for controller load balancing / Dolynnyi Oleksandr, Nikolskiy Serhiy, Kulakov Yurii // Information, Computing and Intelligent systems. – 2020. – No. 1. – Pp. 43–50. – Bibliogr.: 7 ref. paper proposes the method of SDN clustering using connections density and controller load distribution that solves the problem of controller load balancing. Clustering efficiency criteria have been considered, including fault tolerance, controller-to-switch and intercontroller latency and network limitations. Review of the key clustering methods has been performed, and the base algorithm for modification has been chosen. Density-based controller placement algorithm is modified to solve the problem of multicontroller placement. Metric of the node boundary index is introduced to advance the efficiency of proposed algorithm. A software implementation of the developed algorithm has been created, and its performance has been tested. The algorithm’s modelling results have been compared with those of the other algorithms using the metrics of distribution of service traffic propagation delay and computational speed in relation to network topology size.enSDN clusteringnetworkconnections densitycontroller placementThe method of SDN clustering for controller load balancingArticlePp. 43-50