Menkova, KrystynaZozul'ov, Oleksandr2021-02-252021-02-252020Menkova, K. Holistic business model as a base for marketing stress testing development for achieving economic sustainability in changing environment conditions / Menkova K., Zozul’ov O. // Majesty of Marketing : Materials of the International conference for the students and junior research staff, 10th of December 2020. – Dnipro : Dnipro University of Technology, 2020. – Pp. 154–155.маркетингбізнес-модельстрес-тестуванняmarketing stressmarketingsustainabilityHolistic business model as a base for marketing stress testing development for achieving economic sustainability in changing environment conditionsArticlePp. 154-155339.138Majesty of Marketing, XVI International conference for the students and junior research staff