Колісник, Марина ПавлівнаКорницька, Юлія АнатоліївнаСокирська, Ольга Сергіївна2023-06-222023-06-222023Kolisnyk, M. Criteria development for the classification of English dialects / Kolisnyk, M., Kornytska, Y., Sokyrska, O. // Advanced Linguistics. – 2023. – № 11. – Pр. 16-22.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/57465This article evaluates the current status of criteria development used for classifying dialects in modern English in Great Britain. Traditionally, regional criteria have been utilized, but this study explores the incorporation of urban, professional, and ethnic dialects in addition to rural regional dialects. The paper examines the classification hierarchy, which starts with geographical regions of the south and north and further expands into subzones and counties. Further utilized criteria are related to the type of locality, and it entails analysing the distinctions between dialects spoken in urban and rural areas, as well as migration and ethnicity. The study emphasizes the significance of creating more precise and comprehensive criteria for dialect classification, given the expanding scope of studying dialectal features and the association between dialect and social status.enEnglish languagedialectsidentification criteriageographic zonessociocultural statusclassification of dialectsанглійська мовадіалектикритерії ідентифікаціїгеографічні зонисоціо-культурний статускласифікація діалектівCriteria development for the classification of English dialectsArticlePp. 16-22811.111:81’280000-0002-6697-58500000-0002-4781-08070000-0001-8100-9709