Boyko, G.Sharafutdinova, S.Muravsʹkyy, L.2023-05-292023-05-292023-03-15Boyko, G. Features of organizing active recreation in institutions of higher education by means of physical education / Boyko G., Sharafutdinova S., Muravsʹkyy L. // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15. Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). - Випуск 3 (161) 23. - Київ, 2023. - С. 9-11. article analyzes the peculiarities of the organization of active recreation in institutions of higher education by means of physical education. In the realities of our time, active recreation of students is important and has a positive effect on the body of those who are engaged. After all, the motor activity of students has noticeably decreased due to a number of reasons. Active introduction of sports and physical culture and health facilities into the daily routine (morning hygienic gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, football, boating, walks to the forest) 70-90% of those who practice improve their well-being. Therefore, it is important to pay more attention and work to the organization of active recreation of student youth in order to prevent hypodynamia. Recreational facilities of Ukraine have already accumulated considerable work experience, which, confirming the conclusions of scientists, provides rich practical material. Important are the conclusions that staying in physical culture and health camps significantly increases vacationers' interest in physical culture. Summer and winter holidays have become traditional in recreation facilities. their programs are meaningful and interesting, filled with sports competitions, fun rides, sportsmanship demonstrations, social gatherings for sports games, rowing, and more. The means of therapeutic gymnastics are: structural exercises, types of movements and dance steps, exercises for general development with and without objects, exercises on the gymnastic wall, bench, with a rope, on special devices, applied exercises; special balance and breathing exercises, coordination, stretching, corrective exercises, etc. When choosing exercises for classes, take into account the nature of the disease, physical fitness, gender and age of the vacationers. Therapeutic gymnastics classes are individual and group. They are conducted according to the generally accepted scheme, which consists of preparatory, main and final parts. Games occupy a significant place in the system of physical education. One of their varieties is mobile games.enphysical educationstudentsmotor activityphysical exercisesфізичне вихованнястудентифізичні вправиFeatures of organizing active recreation in institutions of higher education by means of physical educationОсобливості організації активного відпочинку в закладах вищої освіти засобами фізичного вихованняArticleС. 9-11