Voitko, SerhiiTrofymenko, OlenaMoghaddami, Saeb2022-07-132022-07-132021VVoitko, S. Analysis of the factors that ensure the possibility of developing economic relations in the field of renewable energy between Ukraine and Turkey / Voitko S., Trofymenko O., Moghaddami S. // Journal of Economy Culture and Society. – 2021. – Vol. 63. – P. 127-147.https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/48752enекономічні відносинивідновлювана енергетикастратегічне партнерствоeconomic relationsrenewable energystrategic partnershipAnalysis of the Factors that Ensure the Possibility of Developing Economic Relations in the Field of Renewable Energy Between Ukraine and TurkeyArticleC. 127-147https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2020-0035