Moiseenko, VolodimirPugach, ОlhaUzhva, ValeriiGareeva, FainaPugach, AlisaKulieznova, SvitlanaShtofel, Olha2019-06-132019-06-132019Laboratory practice. Physical fundamentals of fluid mechanics [Electronic resource] : робочий зошит для студентів технічних спеціальностей / V. Moiseenko, O. Pugach, V. Uzhva, F. Gareeva, A. Pugach, S. Kulieznova, O. Shtofel ; Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. – Electronic text data (1 file: 1,29 Mb). – Kyiv : Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2019. – 33 p. – Title from the screen. stamp is provided by the Methodical Council of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (protocol № 9 from 30.05.2019 y.) on the submission of the Academic Council of Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (protocol № 5 from 29.05.2019 y.)enlaboratory practicefluid mechanicsmolecular physics and thermodynamicsлабораторний практикуммолекулярна фізика та термодинамікамеханіка рідинLaboratory practice. Physical fundamentals of fluid mechanicsMethodical Material33 p.