Zenkin, MykolaMakatora, DmytroIvanko, Andrii2025-01-152025-01-152022-07-10Zenkin, M. Creation of normative and technical base for quality control of reinforcing coatings used in the repair and manufacture of parts of printing machines / Zenkin M., Makatora D., Ivanko A. // Multidisciplinary academic research, innovation and results : Proceedings of the ХХII International Scientific and Practical Conference, [Prague], June 07-10, 2022. – Prague, 2022. – P. 701-707.979-8-88680-832-2https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/71920ТезиenCreation of normative and technical base for quality control of reinforcing coatings used in the repair and manufacture of parts of printing machinesArticleP. 701-7070000-0002-8840-05720000-0002-1909-900X0000-0002-4735-9665