Uskova, S. M.Prus, N. M.Krivenda, V. S.Zhuravlyov, S. O.2023-05-292023-05-292023Development of physical education in educational institutions in today's conditions / Prus N. M., Uskova S. M., Zhuravlyov S. O., Krivenda V. S. // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П.Драгоманова. Серія № 15. Науковопедагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). – Випуск 2 (160) 23. – Київ, 2023. – С. 45-48.2311-2220 article reveals the peculiarities of the development of physical education in institutions of higher education in the conditions of martial law and distance learning. The main problems that arise during the organization of the educational process in physical education with the use of remote technologies are revealed. The effectiveness of the influence of physical exercises in the conditions of distance learning was studied, as well as the impact of stressful situations on the effectiveness of assimilation of educational material was revealed. Ways of improving physical education classes in institutions of higher education through the introduction of innovative technologies, increasing motivation for physical culture and health activities are proposed.enphysical educationstudents of higher educationdistance learningфізичне вихованняздобувачі вищої освітидистанційне навчанняDevelopment of physical education in educational institutions in today's conditionsРозвиток фізичного виховання в закладах освіти в умовах сьогоденняArticleС. 45-48