Muratova, I.Bocharova, Y.Kokhan, M.Yastrubetska, L.Ishchuk, Y.Kuliavets, V.2022-07-212022-07-212021The management of technology transfer and its impact on business activity and financial security in developing countries / Muratova, I., Bocharova, Y., Kokhan, M., Yastrubetska, L., Ishchuk, Y., Kuliavets, V. // AD ALTA: journal of interdisciplinary research. – 2021. – V. 11 (2). – Special issue XXIV. – P. 204-209.1804-7890видання входить до наукометричної бази Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Indexentechnology transferтрансфер технологійinnovationінноваціїresearch and development (R&D)дослідження та розробки (НДДКР)developing countriesThe management of technology transfer and its impact on business activity and financial security in developing countries.ArticleС. 204-209339.92:0080000-0001-6203-4300