Sus', B. A.Sus', B. B.Kravchenko, O. B.2013-03-122013-03-122012The unusual interpretation of traditional physics problems [Electronic resource] : scientific methodological edition (the book for discussions) / B. A. Sus', B. B. Sus', O. B. Kravchenko ; NTUU «KPI». – The third scientific methodological edition. – Electronic text data (1 file: 853 Kb). - Kyiv : PC «Prosvita», 2012. – 121 p. – Title from the screen.978-966-2133-14-1 educational–methodological edition of the textbook consideration is given to non-traditional interpretation of physics problems, administered in high, secondary school and on a college level. In particular, the existence of matter in the form of substance and field and its transition from one type to another in a form of movement, the issue of relativistic mass, dual nature of light as a form of movement, which represents the oscillations type mass-energy-mass-energy-..., the nature of the de Broglie waves and the nature of the uncertainty relation, consistent interpretation of quantum effects of diffraction and other problematic issues. The manual can be used by college faculty and high school teachers to organize an independent work of students on the problematic issues of physics, on disputes and more.enrelativistic motion of bodieskorpuskulyarnist lightMaxwell's equationsbulk of the photonresearch Michelsonvelocity of the bodyphenomenon of diffractioninterference phenomenonHuygens-Fresnel principleThe unusual interpretation of traditional physics problemsLearning Object