Dakal, N. A.2023-06-222023-06-222023Dakal, N. Pedagogical technologies for the development of emotional and volitional stability in swimming lessons / Dakal N. A. // Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15. Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). - 2023. - Випуск 1 (159). - С. 15-18.2311-2220https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/57452"It was found that the new socio-economic conditions that have arisen in recent years, along with the opening of wide opportunities for realizing the creative and entrepreneurial potential of young people, have also brought a number of problems, among which the most painful problem is the adaptation of young professionals to new working conditions, which are charact erized by a high level of neuropsychological tensions. The article reveals modern approaches to the development of emotional and volitional stability in students of higher education institutions in swimming classes. New pedagogical technolo gies used in swimming lessons have been identified. On the basis of psychological and pedagogical and special literature, theoretical approaches to the phenomenon of emotional and volitional stability were analyzed, the need for its development in students was scientifically substantiated, and the ways of formation in the process of physical training classes were determined.The correction of deficiencies in the mental and physical development of the mentally retarded is understood as the correction or weakening of these deficiencies, promotion of the maximum approximation of development mentally retarded persons to the level of development of healthy peers. The physiological basis for correcting deficiencies in the mental and physical development of mentally retarded children is the doctrine of the plasticity of the functions of the central nervous system and the compensation of defects. Compensation processes for mentally retarded children have specific features. In the conditions of special education and upbringing, under the influence of purposeful pedagogical actions, powerful possibilities for the development of the functions of the central nervous system in children are revealedenswimmingплаванняpedagogical technologiesпедагогічні технологіїstudentsстудентиphysical educationфізичне вихованняPedagogical technologies for the development of emotional and volitional stability in swimming lessonsПедагогічні технології розвитку емоційно-вольової стійкості на заняттях з плаванняArticleС. 15-18https://doi.org/10.31392/NPU-nc.series15.2023.1(159).030000-0002-7030-5112