Lytvynko, AllaVoitiuk, OlenaZvonkova, HalynaStankova, MariiaKorniienko, OlexandrZabuga, Artem2021-12-092021-12-092021-08-27The Development of Electrical and Radio engineering: the Role of M. Krylov and M. Bogolyubov’s Nonlinear Mechanics / Alla Lytvynko, Olena Voitiuk, Halyna Zvonkova, Mariia Stankova, Olexandr Korniienko, Artem Zabuga // 3rd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON) (26-28 Aug. 2021, Lviv, Ukraine). – Lviv : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – Рр. 599-603. – Bibliogr.: 26 ref. of science and technologyelectrical engineeringradio engineeringtheory of non-linear oscillationsThe Development of Electrical and Radio engineering: the Role of M. Krylov and M. Bogolyubov’s Nonlinear MechanicsArticleРр. 599-603