Mirchev, YordanLysenko, IuliiaBorisov, TsvetomirKovtun, VadimChukachev, Pavel2023-12-122023-12-122023Eddy Current Array Testing of Steel Tube Profiles / Y. Mirchev, I. Lysenko, Ts. Borisov, V. Kovtun, P. Chukachev // International Journal “NDT Days”. - BSNDT: Bulgaria, 2023. - Volume 6, Issue 3. - P. 137-147.2603-4018https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/62986This paper addresses testing longitudinal welded joint in a thin-walled tube using semi-automatic eddy current test system and flexible eddy current array probe. The system is by OLYMPUS (EVIDENT). These test results from artificially induced discontinuities have been compared and analysed relative to visual test results. The capability of the semi-automated eddy current system to detect discontinuities located on the inner surface of a 3.2 mm thick tube was studied.ensemi-automatic testingseam thin-walled tubeflexible eddy current arrayEddy Current Array Testing of Steel Tube ProfilesArticleP. 137-147