Bezzubova, O. O.2023-09-082023-09-082016Bezzubova, O. Syntactic organization of german sms texts / Bezzubova O. O. // Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Філологія. Педагогіка : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – Вип. 8. – С. 29–33. – Бібліогр.: 11 назв.2307-1591 information-oriented society electronic communication became massively important. SMS communication as a type of electronic communication and the form of technically indirect intercourse is in great popularity with all social strata representatives. SMS communication technical determinants caused the appearance of SMS communication space as well as new text type – SMS text. German SMS text is characterized by specific syntactic structure that depends on the communication channel, technically indirect communication conditions and communication purposes of SMS communicators. The reduction of plane of content and plane of expression in SMS texts occurs due to concise conveyance of information. Simple texts, texts of average complexity and complex texts of SMS messages are distinguished based on the syntactic structure of German SMS messages. The SMS texts of average complexity (925 of texts) that contain from one to five simple, compound and/or complex sentences are of the highest priority among German SMS communicators. The greatest productivity is revealed through average complexity German SMS texts composing of one sentence (42,5 % of total number of average texts).enelectronic communicationSMS communicationSMS textsyntactic organizationелектронна комунікаціясмс-комунікаціятекст смс-повідомленнясинтаксична структураэлектронная коммуникациясмс-коммуникациятекст смс-сообщениясинтаксическая структурSyntactic organization of german sms textsСинтаксична організація текстів німецькомовних смс-повідомленьСинтаксическая организация текстов немецкоязычных смс-сообщенийArticlePp. 29-33811.11–112:81'420000-0003-2767-7217