Перегляд за Автор "Dubolazov, O."
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Документ Відкритий доступ 3D polarization algorithms for processing digital microscopic images of polygraphic polymers(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Ushenko, O.; Horskyi, M.; Soltys, I.; Dubolazov, O.A method of azimuthally invariant 3D Mueller-matrix mapping of the distributions of the parameters of phase and amplitudeanisotropy of partially depolarizing layers of high-quality (group1 — high density) and low-quality (group 2 — low density) poly-ethylene polymer films has been proposed and substantiated.Layer-by-layer coordinate distributions of the magnitude of theset of Mueller-matrix invariants (MMI) of polymer films of bothtypes were obtained in the volume of polymer samples.Документ Відкритий доступ Applied Fourier programming for metrological control of printing materials of packaging products(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Karachevtsev, A.; Horskyi, M.; Zenkova, K.; Morfliuk-Shchur, V.; Dubolazov, O.; Slotska, L.; Dovhun, A.; Vatamanitsa, E.In our manuscript, the materials of analytical substantiation and experimental verification of a new method of digital Fourier processing of polarization images of optically anisotropic polymer layers are presented.Документ Відкритий доступ Applied software space-frequency processing of graphic information for standardization of printing materials of packaging products(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Horskyi, M.; Zenkova, K.; Morfliuk-Shchur, V.; Dubolazov, O.; Slotska, L.; Dovhun, A.; Tomka, Yu.We have proposed a new polarimetric method of Stokes pola-rimetry, which is more informative in terms of representing opti-cally inhomogeneous structures by spatially coherent filtering.Документ Відкритий доступ Laser metrology of anisotropic polymer layers structure of materials for packaging industry(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Horskyi, M.; Felde, K.; Zenkova, K.; Morfliuk-Shchur, V.; Dubolazov, O.; Slotska, L.; Yatsko, O.; Halochkin, O.; Kovalchuk, M.; Shostachuk, O.We have proposed the use of a laser-polarimetric method, as more informative in terms of displaying optically inhomo-geneous structures by using spatially coherent filtering.Документ Відкритий доступ Multilevel digital algorithms for statistical analysisof microscopic images for differentiating temperature changes in polygraphic polymers(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Dubolazov, O.; Soltys, I.; Horskyi, M.; Matymish, M.This work is aimed at generalizing the methods of laserpolarimetry to the case of partially depolarizing opticallyanisotropic polymer layers. Mueller’s differential matrix map-ping method was proposed and substantiated for reproducingthe distributions of the parameters of linear and circular bire-fringence and dichroism of methyl acrylate layers under different temperature conditions (200 — group 1) and (450 — group 2).Документ Відкритий доступ Wavelet correction of graphic images in multimedia technologies(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Ohirko, M.; Horskyi, M.; Soltys, I.; Dubolazov, O.; Morfliuk-Shchur, V.; Slotska, L.The article discusses one of the methods of improving the quality of graphic images using scale-selective wavelet analysis. New optical and polarization methods of graphic image processing using scale-selective wavelet filtering for selection of information and background components are analyzed.