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ДокументВідкритий доступ
A Review of Broadband Microfabricated Ultrasonic Systems for Biomedical Applications
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Kostiuk, R. Yu.; Naidas, S. A.
Starting from an overview of historical aspects of biomedical ultrasound development and its application areas, as well as the brief description of state-of-the art microfabrication technologies, used for capacitive and piezoelectrical micromachined ultrasonic transducers manufacturing, also outlining their modelling approaches, the reader will be further presented with an overview of existing methods for achieving broadband operation both at unit transducer and transducers array levels. Moreover, a generalized signal processing system is discussed, including description of known approaches for building blocks implementation in analog, digital and mixed-signal domains (such as drivers, amplifiers, ADCs, etc.).
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Soitware Support for the Higher Mathematics Course at the Technical University
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Bogdanov, O. V.; Butsenko, Yu. P.; Balina, O. I.; Bezklubenko, I. S.
The paper addresses the challenges of training modern engineers in mathematical disciplines. It emphasizes the need for graduates to possess theoretical knowledge and be capable of using modern software solutions for efficient mathematical calculations. The article discusses the importance of incorporating mathematical software into higher education to enhance the teaching of mathematical disciplines. Explores the potential benefits and challenges of using mathematical software in the learning process, such as the need for coordination among teachers and the importance of familiarizing students with the interfaces of mathematical packages. The paper recommends using specific mathematical software packages, such as Scilab, for scientific and engineering calculations. It also highlights the necessity of guiding students in understanding the practical applications of mathematical software in solving complex mathematical problems. Furthermore, the paper addresses the issue of preventing students from inappropriately using online calculators for tasks, emphasizing the importance of mastering theoretical foundations before utilizing mathematical software packages. The paper generally advocates for a balanced approach that incorporates both traditional theoretical exposition and practical application of mathematical programs in higher education to promote effective teaching and learning of mathematical disciplines.
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Deep Learning for the Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Basarab, M. R.; Ivanko, K. O.
The incidence of diabetic retinopathy (DR), a complication of diabetes leading to severe vision impairment and potential blindness, has surged worldwide in recent years. This condition is considered one of the leading causes of vision loss. To improve diagnostic accuracy for DR and reduce the burden on healthcare professionals, artificial intelligence (AI) methods are increasingly implemented in medical institutions. AI-based models, in particular, are integrating more algorithms to enhance the performance of existing neural network architectures that are commercially used for DR detection. However, these neural network models still exhibit limitations, such as the need for high computational power and lower accuracy in detecting early DR stages. To overcome these challenges, developing more advanced machine learning models for precise DR detection and classification of DR stages is essential, as it would aid ophthalmologists in making accurate diagnoses. This article reviews current research on the use of deep learning in diagnosing and classifying DR and related diseases, as well as the challenges ophthalmologists face in detecting this condition and potential solutions for early-stage DR detection. This review provides information on modern approaches to DR detection using deep learning applications and discusses the issues and limitations in this area.
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Investigation of Electrical Signals Transmission through Light-Induced Conductive Channels on the Surface of CdS Single Crystal
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Boikynia, A. O.; Tkachenko, N. S.; Didenko, Yu. V.; Oliinyk, O. O.; Tatarchuk, D. D.
Further development of information technologies hinges on innovations in the electronic components sector, particularly in enhancing electronic communication devices. This involves creating dynamic interconnects—electrically conductive channels that can be configured on-demand within chip circuitry to overcome the "tyranny of interconnects," which limits electronic systems due to the fixed nature of conventional interconnects. This paper presents experimental verification of transmitting information through photoconductive channels formed on a photosensitive cadmium sulfide (CdS) semiconductor single crystal using optical irradiation. By directing a focused light beam to specific areas of the CdS crystal, localized conductivity is induced, allowing for the dynamic formation of conductive channels. This method's efficacy in real-time signal transmission validates the theoretical framework and suggests new possibilities for semiconductor technology. The integration of dynamic interconnects could revolutionize communication systems by enhancing device efficiency and processing capabilities. This technology could lead to more complex electronic architectures needed in high-speed computing and advanced telecommunications. Additionally, this approach has potential applications in optoelectronics, improving device interaction with light. Dynamic interconnects could enhance solar cell efficiency, increase light sensor sensitivity, and aid in developing innovative visual displays. The ability to control material conductivity through light not only advances existing device performance but also opens doors to new electronic designs and operations. This includes fully reconfigurable circuits that adapt in real-time, self-optimizing network components, and smart sensors that respond to environmental changes. In summary, this research not only confirms the practicality of using photoconductive channels for information transmission but also emphasizes the significant implications for electronic and communication system advancements. As this technology evolves, it promises to significantly impact the design and functionality of future electronic devices, paving the way for more adaptable and powerful systems.
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Одержання гранульованих адсорбентів на основі біополімерів та глинистих мінералів
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Фоменко, О. В.; Маковецький, О. Л.; Бондарєва, А. І.; Тобілко, В. Ю.; Юй Ц.
Представлені результати досліджень реологічних характеристик суспензій на основі сапоніту та альгінату натрію з різним їх масовим співвідношенням. Показано, що дані системи є тиксотропними і їх вʾязкість залежить від вмісту твердої фази у суміші при однаковому вмісті полімеру. Визначено необхідні умови гранулювання для одержання адсорбентів. Встановлено, що на стійкість гранул у водному середовищі впливає кількість введеного альгінату натрію у глинисту суспензію. Досліджено структурно-сорбційні характеристики гранульованих матеріалів на основі природного та модифікованого феригідритом сапоніту. Показано, що при гранулюванні питома поверхня зразку з нанесеним шаром оксигідроксидів заліза становить 109 м2/г, що менше від 173 м2/г для його порошкоподібної форми, але в 2 рази більше у порівнянні з вихідним мінералом (52 м2/г). За допомогою методів диференційно-термічного аналізу та термічної гравіметрії вивчено процеси та фазові перетворення, що відбуваються у гранульованих матеріалах, які містять як алюмосилікат, так і органічний біополімер. Показано перспективність одержаних адсорбентів для очищення вод від забруднення іонами важких металів.