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Ways of ensuring social responsibility of architectural and construction companies: economic benefits and further development vectors
(Хмельницький національний університет (Україна), 2024) Yashchenko, Oleksii; Kubanov, Ruslan; Prusov, Dmitry; Makatora, Dmytro
The article is devoted to the study of the ways to ensure the social responsibility of architectural and construction companies and to the assessment of the economic benefits associated with the implementation of such practices. The authors note that the social responsibility of business, including the construction industry, is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. This is driven by increasing public awareness of the impact of human activity on the environment and society at large. Architects and builders should therefore consider the environment, safety and comfort of users and interact with local communities, as well as fulfilling their professional duties. Improving corporate reputation, attracting and retaining talented people, increasing market competitiveness and ensuring sustainable development have been identified as the main benefits of implementing social responsibility. It can also help attract investment and partnerships with government and non-government organisations by achieving high standards of social responsibility. The study details the main areas of social responsibility in the activities of architectural and construction companies. These include socio-cultural and environmental considerations and active engagement with local communities to ensure the safety and comfort of building occupants. The importance of the reduction of negative impacts on the environment through the use of innovative technologies, environmentally friendly materials, energy efficient solutions, etc. is also underlined. Improved image and reputation, increased consumer confidence, attracting new clients and partners, and increased productivity and efficiency are some of the economic benefits of social responsibility for architectural and construction companies. The authors emphasise that socially responsible business is becoming a key factor in succeeding in today’s environment. Active cooperation with the public, government agencies and research organisations is essential for the further development of architectural and construction companies on the basis of social responsibility. In this way it will be possible to develop and implement innovative approaches aimed at ensuring sustainable development and improving the standard of living of the population. In general, the study shows that integrating socially responsible practices into the activities of architectural and construction companies contributes not only to effective risk management and improving the quality of work, but also to creating a positive image of the company, attracting new clients and maintaining a stable position in the market.
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Study of the factor influence on the uniformity of coffee grain grinding by methods of sta-tistical analysis
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Hryhorenko, I. V.; Kondrashov, S. I.; Hryhorenko, S. M.; Opryshkin, O. S.
In order to assess the impact of each of the factors that affect the quality and uniformity of grinding coffee beans and to compare the impact of these factors, it is worth establishing a quantitative indicator of this impact. To solve this problem, dispersion analysis was used as a method of organizing sample data according to possible sources of dispersion. The chosen method made it possible to decompose the total dispersion into components caused by the influence of factor levels. Grinding time, geometric dimensions of the grain, moisture content of the grain, speed of rotation of the motor shaft were selected as factors influencing the homogeneity of grinding. The justification and assessment of the reliability of statistical conclusions about the informational significance of indicators affecting the homogeneity of coffee grinding was carried out to ensure the highest possible probability of the obtained result.
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Проекція градієнта: спрощення області мінімізації афінним перетворенням
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Спекторський, І. Я.
Розглянуто класичну задачу оптимізації у скінченновимірному просторі, тобто знаходження мінімуму функції на непорожній множині. Пошук точного розв’язку цієї задачі аналітичними методами потребує множинних обчислювальних ресурсів або взагалі неможливий. Для реальних задач частіше застосовують методи пошуку наближеного розв’язку, серед яких одним з найпростіших і найвідоміших для задач безумовної оптимізації є метод градієнтного спуску. Узагальненням методу градієнтного спуску на випадок умовної оптимізації є запропонований у 1964 р. метод проекції градієнта. Для деяких типів множини (відрізок, паралелепіпед, куля) проекцію точки на множину можна знайти простими явними формулами, проте для складніших (напр., еліпс) проектування стає окремою задачею мінімізації. Однак у деяких випадках обчислення проекції не можна спростити афінним перетворенням — напр., еліпс афінним (і навіть лінійним) перетворенням можна звести до кулі. Спрощено задачу мінімізації функції на множині застосуванням афінного перетворення F(x) = Ax+b, де A — невироджена квадратна матриця, b — фіксований вектор відповідної розмірності.
ДокументВідкритий доступ
Математичні методи оптимізації роботи зарядних станції електромобілів
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Лавренова, Є. Р.; Денисюк, С. П.
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Decentralized leader-following con-sensus control design for discrete-time multi-agent systems with switching to-pology
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Dorofieiev, Y. I.; Lyubchyk, L. M.; Malko, M. M.
The problem of consensus control of linear discrete-time multi-agent systems (MASs) with switching topology is considered in the presence of a leader. The goal of consensus control is to bring the states of all agents to the leader state while providing stability for local agents, as well as the MAS as a whole. In contrast to the traditional approach, which uses the concept of an extended dynamic multi-agent system model and communication topology graph Laplacian, this paper proposes a decomposition approach, which provides a separate design of local controllers. The control law is chosen in the form of distributed feedback with discrete PID controllers. The problem of local controllers’ design is reduced to a set of semidefinite programming problems using the method of invariant ellipsoids. Sufficient conditions for agents’ stabilization and global consensus condition fulfillment are obtained using the linear matrix inequality technique. The availability of information about a finite set of possible configurations between agents allows us to design local controllers offline at the design stage. A numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.