Перегляд за Автор "Halatsyn, K."
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Документ Відкритий доступ Contextual Approach in English Language Learning for Students in Higher Educational Institutions(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2021) Halatsyn, K.; Yaroshenko, O.Документ Відкритий доступ Continuous case study as an effective method of English language learning by future engineers(2020) Halatsyn, K.; Feshchuk, A.; Galaidin, A.The present paper addresses the issue of teaching foreign language as an indispensable course at university. One of the demands to the training of future engineers is to prepare them for solving professional tasks and situations. A continuous case study method is one of the forms of problem-based learning which allows teachers to model fragments of future professional activity, its multicultural context. We suggest a continuous case study method as a powerful tool for modelling real professional activities, which contributes to the formation of professionally oriented English-language competence of future engineers. In our article, we aim to reveal the essence and stages of using the method of continuous case studies at English classes. We outlined the following methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, inference, observation. In order to verify our statement, we conducted a continuous case study on the topic “Refutation of inaccurate information on technical operation and repair of lifting mechanisms at the enterprise”. As shown by the results of our research, a continuous case study method is a way of development of a professionally oriented English-language competence of the future engineers by involving them in solving imaginary professionally oriented problems through simulated engineering environment. It has been found that the use of a continuous case study method in the course “Practical Course of Foreign Language for Professional (Scientific) Purposes” contributes to the improvement of the future engineers’ professionally oriented foreign-language competencies in listening, speaking, reading; professionally oriented sociocultural, linguistic, educational, strategic and pragmatic competencies.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of students' metacognitive skills by means of educational technologies in ESP instruction at University(LUMEN Publishing, 2023) Synekop, O.; Lavrysh, Y.; Lukianenko, V.; Ogienko, O.; Lytovchenko, I.; Stavytska, I.; Halatsyn, K.; Vadaska, S.Metacognitive skills which provide regulation and management of students’ intellectual activity in the process of their self-education are of great importance, especially in the context of the learner-centered education paradigm in the global information space, with its focus on the self-study and self-development of an individual. In this regard, the article aimed to analyze the development of metacognitive skills in first year students by means of educational technologies in ESP classes at technical university in Ukraine. As shown by the results of the study, educational technologies can be successfully used for the development of such metacognitive skills as self-directed learning skills, collaboration skills, self-management skills, self-reflection skills in first year students studying ESP at university level. The educational technologies used in our study – the Moodle platform, WebQuest, blogs and wikis, Google Classroom, Quizlet – confirmed their efficiency as a useful tool for the development of metacognition since they provide the learning environment which makes it possible for students to organize and control their learning, make decisions, reflect on the results of their learning experience and make necessary changes and adjustments if necessary.Документ Відкритий доступ Formation of communicative culture of students in higher technical educational institutions by means of game technologies(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020) Halatsyn, K.; Feshchuk, A.Formation of communicative culture of future specialists in engineering contributes to their professional development, growth and self-realization; ensures their readiness for successful professional activity. Interactive methods that ensure the interpersonal interaction of all its participants play an important role in the formation of communicative culture of a personality. The aim of the paper is to analyse the essence, structure and functions of the game technologies in formation of communicative culture of the future specialists in engineering. The article reveals the essence of the concept of communicative culture as a special quality of a personality of a future engineer, characterized by the system of communicative knowledge, the ability to control and regulate their linguistic behaviour, argue their position competently and convincingly, the ability to conduct business negotiations in the process of professional activity and choose the necessary style of behaviour to achieve the goal of a communicative act, collaborate productively in the process of professional tasks solving. Different game technologies are analyzed as a kind of interactive technologies (game discussions, game situations, exercise games, role-playing games); principles of organization of game activity as a means of formation of communicative culture (teacher-player, psychological support, openness, tolerance, reasoning of thoughts, actualization of achievements, positive, motivation through responsibility) are offered. Advantages of game technologies in formation of communicative culture of a personality of a future engineer (readiness for professional and interpersonal interaction) are presented. The conclusions outline the basic prerequisites for activating the process of formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions by means of game technologies (providing development activities, developing students’ creativity and activity, creating a positive emotional environment, achieving some success).Документ Відкритий доступ Formation of future engineers’ English language communicative competence(2021) Feshchuk, A.; Halatsyn, K.The present paper addresses the issue of future engineers’ English language communicative competence formation. One of the urgent demands for universities is training of highly qualified professionals capable of organizing various business contacts with representatives of different countries. In our article we aim to reveal the pedagogical conditions under which the effective formation of future engineers’ English language communicative competence is possible. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to determine the essence and structure of future engineers’ English language communicative competence; 2) identify and justify the pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of future engineers’ English language communicative competence. As shown by the results of our survey, future engineers’ English language communicative competence is an ability of technical specialists to interact with other specialists (native speakers) to set and solve professional problems using verbal and nonverbal means of communication. The structure of English language communicative competence comprises language, linguistic, linguistic and socio-cultural, educational and strategic and professional competences, which are based on the complex interaction of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities. The following pedagogical conditions for effective formation of future engineers’ English language communicative competence have been revealed: the students’ motivation to develop English language communicative competence and its recognition as a personal value; the use of authentic texts at English classes; interactivity of English language classes; students’ self-education in the process of formation of English language communicative competence.Документ Відкритий доступ Implementation of Students’ Research Work in the Process of Foreign Language Training(Ковентрі, 2023) Feshchuk, A.; Halatsyn, K.; Yaroshenko, O.Документ Відкритий доступ Simulation of professional situations at English classes for students of technical specialties(2021) Halatsyn, K.; Feshchuk, A.The paper reveals the role and importance of modeling of professional situations at English classes in higher technical education institutions. The professional situation is defined as purposeful modeling of professionally similar circumstances in the process of learning English and conditions of solving engineering and business tasks, making professional decisions, achieving a successful result of business communication. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the content and requirements for modeling of professional situations in the process of studying English by the future specialists in engineering. Realization of the purpose demands performance of the following tasks: 1) define the essence of modeling of professional situations; 2) substantiate the conditions for effective modeling of professional situations at English classes in higher technical educational institutions; 3) offer examples of modeling professional situations at English classes in higher technical educational institutions. In the process of scientific research the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, inference, observation have been used. The components of the professional educational situation and the factors that need to be taken into account in the process of its use are identified. The examples of modeling professional situations during the study of the discipline “Practical Course of Foreign language for Business Communication” in higher technical education institutions are given. The forms of modeling of professional situations (individual, pair, group) which are directed on the formation of competences of professional English communication according to various roles of professional activity (head – subordinate, subordinate – subordinate, subordinate – collective) are defined. Special emphasis is focused on the examples of modeling of professional situations through the use of game modeling (role-playing games: controlled, improvised), method of case study and discussion. The requirements to be met in the process of modeling of professional situations: compliance with certain goals (formation of knowledge on the topic, development of ability to analyze complex problems; education of a sense of responsibility for their decisions, moral and personal qualities, etc.); compliance with the level of complexity of students’ learning opportunities; illustration of typical situations from the real facts of professional activity; use of discussion method; variability of decisions of a situation are pointed out.Документ Відкритий доступ Speech Activity in Students’ Foreign Language Communication(Східноукраїнська організація «Центр педагогічних досліджень», 2021) Halatsyn, K.; Yaroshenko, O.Документ Відкритий доступ The Essence of Interactive Learning and its Role in Foreign Language Learning(ГО «Південна фундація педагогіки», 2021) Halatsyn, K.; Yaroshenko, O.Документ Відкритий доступ Unsupervised Training of Future Engineers in English Language Classes(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021) Halatsyn, K.У статті здійснено аналіз різних видів самостійної роботи з англійської мови для студентів технічних спеціальностей. Актуальність проблеми обумовлена необхідністю формування особистості, здатної до виконання успішної, продуктивної та ефективної професійної діяльності з використанням англомовної професійної лексики, оскільки для фахівців технічної сфери володіння англійською мовою важливе як для навчання, так і для подальшого кар’єрного зростання.Документ Відкритий доступ Інтерактивні технології у процесі вивчення англійської мови студентами ВТНЗ(НТУУ «КПІ», 2014) Галацин, К. О.; Фещук, А. М.; Halatsyn, K.; Feschuk, A.; Галацин, Е. А.; Фещук, А. М.