Перегляд за Автор "Jamroziak, K."
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Документ Відкритий доступ Effect of diamond superfinishing on the surface roughness of antifriction composite parts made from silumine waste for post-printing equipment(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Roik, T.; Gavrysh, O.; Maistrenko, Iu.; Jamroziak, K.; Kurzawa, A.The article presents the results of studies on the influence of fine superfinishing modes with synthetic diamond bars on the formation of the roughness parameter Ra of the sur-faces of samples made of new antifriction composites based on industrial grinding waste silumin — aluminum alloys AK7,AK12M2, AK21M2.5N2.5, which are intended to equip post-printing equipmentДокумент Відкритий доступ Surface roughness of new self-lubricating antifriction composites for printing apparatus during borazon grinding(ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Roik, T.; Havrysh, O.; Maistrenko, Yu.; Soloviov, V.; Jamroziak, K.The article presents the experimental and theoretical results on the influence of fine borazon grinding modes on the forma- tion of the roughness parameter Ra of cylindrical working sur- faces of new antifriction composite parts based on utilized and regenerated R6M5 high-speed steel grinding waste with the CaF2 solid lubricant additions, which are intended to equip units of printing machines’ offset cylinders.