У зібранні розміщено підручники, навчальні посібники, практикуми, матеріали до курсів лекцій, програми дисциплін, авторами або укладачами яких є науково-педагогічні працівники кафедри.
Перегляд Навчально-методичні матеріали (КФ) за Ключові слова "axiomatic proofs"
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Казаков, Мстислав Андрійович
The textbook proposes topics and materials for individual work for the learners of the optional learning discipline ‘Logic’ for bachelor degree educational programs of all directions and professions. The individual work itself deals with thoughtful, profound and systematic study of the insights into formal logic, its key concepts and notions, systems of proof (direct and indirect), such as Truth Tables, Axiomatic Systems, Natural Deduction Systems, Tree Tableaux, and is centered around such logical families and metalanguages (with their syntax and semantics) as Classical Propositional Logic (Boolean algebra of thinking) and First-Order Predicate Monadic & Polyadic Logic. It also includes the discussion topics and questions, as well as self-assessment questions and the list of additional textbooks dedicated to all the topics which are discussed. The textbook is supplied with additional diagrams, tables and schemes dedicated to each topic in particular.