Секція 2. Когнітивний, культурологічний, прагматичний та енергетичний аспекти фонетичних досліджень дискурсу

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    Cognitive ground of the auditory modality
    (Міленіум, 2017) Shnurovska, L.
    The abstract views the cognitive ground of natives and adoptees’ auditory speech perception. Here, the auditory modality is a mental gear based on auditory receptors, memory and attention perceiving and processing auditory stimuli due to their acoustic characteristics and phonological representation. The abstract shows the specificity of natives and adoptees’ auditory modality, in particular the selective auditory attention and mismatch negativity providing auditory stimuli discriminability.
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    Темпоральна організація синтагми в англомовній військовій промові
    (Міленіум, 2017) Сердюк, Ірина Валеріївна
    This paper highlights the findings of the experimental phonetic research of syntagma duration in speeches o f a U.S. Armed Forces high-ranking female officer. The results have been interpreted in comparison with the speeches o f a high-ranking male officer. It is stated that the syntagmas duration in the female officer s speeches is shorter than in the male officer’s ones, correlates with the faster tempo perception, and depends on their location within a speech text. The research proves the importance of further study of prosodic elements in high-ranking female officers’ speeches to reveal the gender conditioned features of the military discourse.
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    Результати аудитивного аналізу просодичних засобів реалізації мовленнєвого впливу у сучасному англомовному науковому дискурсі
    (Міленіум, 2017) Томахів, Марта Володимирівна
    The paper offers the results of the auditory analysis as the first stage of experimental phonetics research of the prosodic means of speech influence realization in scholarly discourse in English (in a video lecture as an example). The methodology of the experiment is elaborated according to the proven techniques in contemporary phonetics and combines the use of subjective (perceptive and auditory), objective (acoustic) methods, the methods of semantic differential and quantitative data analysis. Based on the results of the auditory analysis, the author establishes prosodic parameters of intonation which help scholarly discourse realization in speech.
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    Передумови вивчення просодичного оформлення непрямих мовленнєвих актів
    (Міленіум, 2017) Рубчак, Ольга Борисівна
    The paper presents the review of existing approaches to explaining peculiarities of indirect speech acts as well as justification of the research of their prosodic features. By outlining the aim of indirect speech acts the role of intonation in their presentation is defined.
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    Diskurspartikeln in der Mundlichkeitsdidaktik
    (Міленіум, 2017) Вербицька, Тетяна Діомидівна; Никифоренко, Ірина Валеріївна
    The paper focuses on lingual characteristics of modern German everyday discourse, paying special attention to the use of particles as an important part of natural communication. The authors come to the conclusion that under the dominance of oral speech in cross-cultural communication there is a constant growth in the role of high level of communicats’ discursive competence.
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    Ритмічна організація директивних інтенцій в англомовному притчовому дискурсі
    (Міленіум, 2017) Мусієнко, Юлія Анатоліївна
    This paper focuses on the study of rhythmic organization of directive intentions in English parables. A complex research method to the analysis aimed at defining cognitive and pragmatic peculiarities of rhythm in English parables has been designed. With reference to the results of the auditory and acoustic analysis the interaction between prosodic features, rhythm in particular, and pragmatic peculiarities of directive intentions realization in English parables have been defined
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    Просодичні ознаки англійського прислів’я з комунікативно-прагматичною функцією оцінки
    (Міленіум, 2017) Деркач, Наталія Валеріївна
    The article focuses on studying the peculiarities of the intonation of the English proverbs realizing a communicative and pragmatic function of assessment. A respective invariant intonation model is outlined. Variant intonation models brought forth by the influence of sociocidtural factors of the number of listeners and speaker’s social status relative to the listener/s are examined.
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    Енергетичні характеристики усної актуалізації англійського анекдоту
    (Міленіум, 2017) Тараненко, Лариса Іванівна
    The paper outlines energetic characteristics of English anecdotes’ oral actualization influenced by structural, functional as well as emotional and pragmatic factors, which are defined within the framework o f a new functional-and-energetic approach to the research of phonetic phenomena.