Effect of nanoscale additives and ultraviolet stabilizers on the destruction of thin-layer coatings under the influence of UV radiation
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Назва тому
The destruction of paint and varnish coatings in atmospheric
conditions is a problematic niche of today, which makes it urgent to identify
the negative impact of nanoparticles on the stability of water repellency and
the need for further research on improving the stability of water repellency for
systems intended for use in atmospheric conditions.
The author of the article investigates the effect of the introduction of
nanoscale additives and ultraviolet stabilizers into thin-layer coatings on their
destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
Ключові слова
nanocomposite materials, thermoplastic polymers, UV radiation, degradation, hydrophobicity
Бібліографічний опис
Maniecki, T. Effect of nanoscale additives and ultraviolet stabilizers on the destruction of thin-layer coatings under the influence of UV radiation / Tomasz Maniecki, Anna Bilousova // Композиційні матеріали : монографія за матеріалами XІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної WEB-конференції (квітень 2023 р.). – Львів – Торунь : Liha-Pres, 2023. – С. 89-95.