Засади енергоощадної кавітаційної технології очищення стічних вод від ароматичних сполук

dc.contributor.authorЗінь, Ольга Іванівна
dc.descriptionРобота виконана на кафедрі хімії і технології неорганічних речовин Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” Міністерства освіти і науки Україниuk
dc.description.abstractenThe thesis presents results of research aimed at establishing an effective method of treatment of aqueous media from aromatic compounds, especially benzene and toluene. The influence of cavitation processing on the treatment of aqueous media has been investigated. In order to identify general patterns of the process and determine the direction of further research, the decomposition of benzene was studied under adiabatic conditions at room temperature. Studies have been carried out on cavitation destruction of benzene under various hydrodynamic conditions: with intensive mechanical stirring, without mechanical stirring, in which oxygen absorption was limited, to confirm the participation of atmospheric oxygen in the decomposition of benzene. It was established by spectrophotometric studies and determination of the amount of chemical oxygen consumption, that under the action of cavitation treatment, benzene is gradually transformed, namely its concentration decreases, not its destruction with accumulation in the reaction medium of the corresponding organic fragments of linear structure. The highest benzene conversion rate was observed at 10.2 W ultrasonic radiation. This is probably due to the fact that in the reaction system under the action of cavitation formed a system of parallel-sequential reactions, in which the rate of destruction of benzene with the participation of water sonolysis products is the highest, compared with processes occurring at other capacities of the ultrasonic emitter. Isothermal studies at different temperatures have been performed to establish the kinetic indices of cavitation degradation of benzene. It was first discovered that at a temperature of 313 K the rate of cavitation oxidation of benzene is much lower than that of 303 and 323 K. The effect detected is due to the formation at the temperature of highly dispersed bubbles - Babston, which are characterized by high resistance to collapse. The effect of the cavitation initiation of the destructive oxidation of aromatic compounds in the presence of an oxygen system was first discovered. It is that the decomposition of aromatic compounds occurs even after cavitation excitation ceases, but only if some energy is introduced into the reaction medium by the ultrasonic radiation. It was found that due to the cavitation initiation of the process, the oxidation rate of benzene is higher, and the energy consumption, respectively, is lower than with the constant excitation of cavitation by ultrasonic radiation.The values of the rate constants of the benzene decomposition process for the reaction initiation mode are approximately 2.2 ... 2.4 times higher than those for the stationary mode. However, the overall speed of the process of destruction of benzene to a concentration equal to the maximum permissible, in the case of cavitation initiation of the process and in the stationary mode of excitation of cavitation, are almost the same. The effectiveness of wastewater treatment from aromatic compounds in the case of mixing cavitation-treated wastewater and output (untreated) wastewater was first revealed. The content of cavitation treated wastewater in the mixture is not more than 10%. The high efficiency of cavitation degradation of benzene has been confirmed by studies performed using a jet-type hydrodynamic cavitator with a drive power of 1.1 kW. It is found that the energy consumption for the transformation of benzene in the hydrodynamic cavitator is less than when using an ultrasonic emitter. The main regularities obtained during the study of the destruction of benzene were confirmed using model solutions containing toluene. Based on a comparative sonochemical analysis of the intensity of development of cavitation fields in water and wastewater simulations, the possibility of oxidation of benzene and toluene, the reaction mechanism in an aqueous-organic medium in the mode of cavitation process initiation, is established. Based on UV spectroscopic studies, the effect of hypochlorite wastewater on the effectiveness of cavitation treatment has been identified. It is established that almost complete destruction of benzene occurs at a molar ratio of benzene: sodium hypochlorite is less than stoichiometric. This indicates a significant role in the oxidation of benzene cavitation phenomena. Using the dependence of the carbon steel corrosion potential on the exposure time in the medium, the corrosiveness of the tested aqueous media relative to the material of the equipment and communications existing in the production was established. The developed energy-saving cavitation technology for wastewater treatment from aromatic compounds was tested. The technological foundations of the process of cavitation wastewater treatment from aromatic compounds are formulated; the technological parameters for the implementation of this process are determined. The generalized energy and technical and economic calculations of energy-saving cavitation technology for wastewater treatment from aromatic compounds have been performed. Based on the results obtained in experimental studies of the decomposition of benzene in cavitation fields generated using both an ultrasonic emitter and a hydrodynamic jet cavitator, as well as analysis of information sources, several variants of technological schemes for conditioning olefin wastewater have been developed.uk
dc.description.abstractruВ диссертации приведены результаты исследований по очистке водных сред от ароматических соединений, в частности бензола и толуола. Установлено влияние температуры, продолжительности кавитационной обработки и кислорода на их деструкцию. Обнаружен эффект кавитационного инициирования разложения ароматических соединений. Эффективность разложения бензола подтверждена исследованиями с использованием гидродинамического кавитатора. Исследовано кавитационное окисления бензола гипохлоритнимы водами. Изучена коррозионная агрессивность испытуемых водных сред. Апробировано технологию очистки на реальных сточных водах. Определены технологические параметры кавитационной очистки сточных вод от ароматических соединений. Выполнены энергетические и технико-экономические расчеты технологического процесса.uk
dc.description.abstractukУ дисертації наведено результати досліджень з очищення водних середовищ від ароматичних сполук, зокрема бензену і толуену. Встановлено вплив температури, тривалості кавітаційного оброблення та кисню на їх деструкцію. Виявлено ефект кавітаційного ініціювання розкладу ароматичних сполук, зокрема внаслідок змішування кавітаційно обробленої та вихідної стічної вод. Ефективність розкладу бензену підтверджено дослідженнями з використанням гідродинамічного кавітатора. Досліджено кавітаційне окиснення бензену гіпохлоритними водами. Вивчено корозійну агресивність досліджуваних водних середовищ. Розроблену технологію очищення апробовано на реальних стічних водах. Визначено технологічні параметри кавітаційного очищення стічних вод від ароматичних сполук. Виконано узагальнені енергетичні та техніко-економічні розрахунки технологічного процесу.uk
dc.format.page26 с.uk
dc.identifier.citationЗінь, О. І. Засади енергоощадної кавітаційної технології очищення стічних вод від ароматичних сполук : автореф. дис. … канд. техн. наук : 05.17.21 – технологія водоочищення / Зінь Ольга Іванівна. – Київ, 2020. – 26 с.uk
dc.publisherКПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорськогоuk
dc.subjectочищення стічних водuk
dc.subjectароматичні сполукиuk
dc.subjectсонохімічний аналізuk
dc.subjectводні середовищаuk
dc.subjectsonochemical analysisuk
dc.subjectaqueous mediauk
dc.subjectwastewater treatmentuk
dc.subjectaromatic compoundsuk
dc.subjectсонохимичний анализuk
dc.subjectводные средыuk
dc.subjectочистка сточных водuk
dc.subjectароматические соединенияuk
dc.titleЗасади енергоощадної кавітаційної технології очищення стічних вод від ароматичних сполукuk


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