Вплив повітряного гвинта на аеродинамічні характеристики надувного крила

dc.contributor.authorГевко, Б. А.
dc.contributor.authorЗінченко, Д. М.
dc.description.abstractotherThe aerodynamic characteristics of the inflatable wing depending on the position and number B of the air propeller and the arrangement of the aircraft wing and horizontal tail, depending on the height of the horizontal tail location relative to the wing are considered in the paper. The simulation is performed by the computational aerodynamics methods (panel-vortex method) of the calculated models flow of the inflatable (combined) wing with different positions and number B of the air propeller. The aerodynamic characteristics are obtained and the analysis of the bearing properties changes and the static longitudinal stability criteria are carried out. An estimation of static longitudinal stability during the installation of a horizontal tail at different heights relative to the wing is made. The bearing properties of the layout for different values of Хгв and Yго practically are not changed. When the location of the screw Хгв changes, the lifting factor increases by 2-3% for every 0,25 basses of the screw from the front edge of the wing. The pitch momentum factor also varies by 2-3%, since it directly depends on the lift factor. The general nature of the change mz(cya, В) depending on the angle of attack of the wing is practically the same for different positions and values of B. The derivative mz Cya at small angles of attack acquires a positive value, that is a violation of the condition of static longitudinal stability and such a wing is unstable on the pitch. In the simulation of the wings from the horizontal tail, the derivative mz Cya is negative at all the angles of the attack, so this layout is statically stable. The most suitable it is the placement of a plumbing over a wing at the height of Yго= bсах or more, since in this case a balancing speed decreases only by 1.32 times. The location of the horizontal tail in the wing plane is acceptable, but not desirable, as it increases the balancing factor of the lifting force by 2.8 times, which means that it will reduce the balancing velocity by 1.7 times. The disadvantage of such layout is that during a flight with large values of the number B in the event of a sudden propeller failure such an aircraft can stall.uk
dc.format.pagerangeС. 120-132uk
dc.identifier.citationГевко, Б. А. Вплив повітряного гвинта на аеродинамічні характеристики надувного крила / Б. А. Гевко, Д. М. Зінченко // Механіка гіроскопічних систем : науково-технічний збірник. – 2018. – Вип. 36. – С. 120-132. – Бібліогр.: 5 назв.uk
dc.publisherКПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорськогоuk
dc.relation.ispartofМеханіка гіроскопічних систем: науково-технічний збірник, Вип. 36uk
dc.titleВплив повітряного гвинта на аеродинамічні характеристики надувного крилаuk


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