Психологічні чинники розвитку довіри до викладача у студентів технічного університету

dc.contributor.authorЛашко, Олена Вікторівна
dc.description.abstractenThe dissertation is devoted to the research on the psychological factors of the development of technical university students’ trust to a teacher. The complex theoretical and empirical research on the forms of trust expression, as well as trust specifics and its development mechanisms is accomplished. The basic scientific approaches to the research of the outlined problem are selected. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature sources the definition of the trust as a subject phenomena, a specific attitude to the interaction subject expressed in its actual significance and a priori safety is given. Further development and generalization are delivered for the consideration of the importance of students’ trust to a teacher at their professional training conditions. The role of a trust in the educational interaction is defined using its characteristic features: mutual cognition, mutual understanding, mutual attitude, mutual actions, mutual influence. A trust in the educational interaction performs the regulatory function: it helps to reduce the tension, related to the experiencing the stressful educational situations; a trust also performs the function of the psychological relieve, a feedback in the process of selfcognition of the educational interaction subjects, of bringing them closer psychologically and making their relationship deeper as well. A theoretical study of the literature sources devoted the trust problem provided a foundation for the development of the structureprocedural model of the technical university student’s trust to a teacher. As a result of the ascertaining stage of the research, a contents of the external and intrapersonal factors of the development the technical university student’s trust to a teacher have been refined. The application of the psychological diagnostic techniques allowed to analyze the student’s trust development specifics, namely: self-trust, social trust, locus of the subjective control, self attitude, autonomy, conformity, inclination to self-disclosure. Age specifics of the technical university students’ trust are covered. The specifics of trust expression in different universities that took part in this research are revealed. The dependencies between trust development factors are discovered. The factor structure of the technical university student’s trust to a teacher is developed which includes: the contents of the students’ self-concept, their communicative attitudes, teacher’s proficiency, students’ criticality, teacher’s authority, interpersonal relationship between teacher and students, facilitation of student’s education activity. Based on the empirical data the optimal level of the student’s trust to a teacher is substantiated. This level of trust is characterized by the advantage of the trust over the mistrust, that could be described as the “above average” level. The most influential indicators of the development of student’s trust to a teacher in the technical university are identified, including: self-acceptance, self-trust, self-confidence, inclination to selfdisclosure, student’s attitude to the social prestige of trust. The specifics of the contents of the program for the development of technical university students’ trust to a teacher in the eco-centered facilitation way are substantiated and the results of this program’s approbation are covered. The contents of the program of teacher’s psychological and pedagogical competence development in the fast-changing conditions are described. The contents of the pedagogical and psychological implementation directions of the program of student’s educational activity facilitation are covered, and the results of this program’s approbation with the students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are analyzed. The recommendations for the technical university teachers on how to increase the student’s trust to them are developed. The further research directions on the expression and development specifics of the phenomena being investigated are defined, namely: the investigation of the psychological factors of optimization of technical university teachers’ trust to students; creation of psychological aid and self-aid practices for the teachers of the technical university on their way to their professional growth related to the development of trust relationship with students.uk
dc.description.abstractukАвтореферат дисертації присвячено розгляду психологічних чинників розвитку довіри до викладача у студентів технічного університету. Здійснено комплексне теоретико-емпіричне дослідження форм прояву довіри, її специфіки та механізмів розвитку. Виділено основні наукові підходи до вивчення окресленої проблеми. Набули подальшого розвитку та узагальнення погляди щодо значущості довіри студентів до викладача в умовах фахової підготовки. Виявлено зв’язки між чинниками розвитку довіри, виділено факторну структуру розвитку довіри до викладача у технічному університеті. Обґрунтовано особливості побудови та висвітлено результати апробації програми розвитку довіри студентів технічного університету до викладача в екофасилітативному підході. Визначено перспективи подальших наукових пошуків особливостей прояву і розвитку досліджуваного феномену.uk
dc.format.page22 с.uk
dc.identifier.citationЛашко, О. В. Психологічні чинники розвитку довіри до викладача у студентів технічного університету : автореф. дис. … канд. психол. наук : 19.00.07 – педагогічна та вікова психологія / Лашко Олена Вікторівна. – Київ, 2021. – 22 с.uk
dc.publisherКиївський університет імені Бориса Грінченкаuk
dc.subjectосвітня взаємодіяuk
dc.subjectтехнічний університетuk
dc.subjectпсихологічні чинникиuk
dc.subjectрозвиток довіриuk
dc.subjectфакторна структура розвитку довіриuk
dc.subjecteducational interactionuk
dc.subjecttechnical universityuk
dc.subjectpsychological factorsuk
dc.subjectdevelopment of trustuk
dc.subjectfactor structure of the trust developmentuk
dc.subjecteco-centered facilitationuk
dc.subject.udc159.9:378 (043.5)uk
dc.titleПсихологічні чинники розвитку довіри до викладача у студентів технічного університетуuk


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