Prospects for the use of 3D bioprinting technologies for regenerative therapy of skin damage




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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


Abstract. Until recently, rapid tissue regeneration, replacement of damaged organs, and restoration of their functions were the dreams of doctors and patients. The advent of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine makes this possible. The main tasks of tissue engineering are the combination of cells in nutrient scaffolds to create components for the restoration of damaged edges and tissues. Regenerative medicine, in turn, combines tissue engineering techniques and various strategies, such as gene therapy, immunomodulation, tissue therapy to implement functional restoration, reconstruction of tissues and organs. The shortage of organs and tissues for transplantation is a global problem [1]. In addition to the long wait for donor organs, the results of transplantation are unpredictable, as a large proportion of operations end in failure, either immediately or within 10 years after transplantation, in addition, the recipient becomes obliged to take immunosuppressive drugs for life, which increase the risk of infection. The development of automation technologies and the creation of new biomaterials has accelerated research into the production of preclinical models and bioartificial organs. One of such automated technologies is 3D printing, which has been widely developed over the last dozen or so years and has not lost the interest of scientists due to its simplicity and the ability to create complex structures using a wide range of biomaterials. In the field of transplantology, there is a need not only to develop new strategies for restoring the functioning of internal organs, but also to develop methods for obtaining skin protection, because in the world there are millions of people suffering from chronic skin diseases or suffering from skin lesions as a result of injuries or burns.


Ключові слова

3D bioprinting, skin diseases, biomaterials, bioartificial organs, transplantology, 3D біодрук, шкірні захворювання, біоматеріали, біоштучні органи, трансплантологія

Бібліографічний опис

Baranovska, A. Prospects for the use of 3D bioprinting technologies for regenerative therapy of skin damage / Baranovska Anastasiia, Lutsenko Tetiana // Біомедична інженерія і технологія. – 2024. – № 13. – С. 1-12. – Бібліогр.: 42 назв.