Research of the influence of digital printing on the optical indicators of imprints of philatelic products ‘on demànd




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ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


The article presents the results of research on the optical in-dicators of digital printing on marks paper. Based on the re-sults of a visual evaluation of test imprints obtained on all typesof equipment selected for the study, it was established that jetprinting technology and UV printing are not suitable for formingimages on gummed stamp’ paper. Based on the results of theresearch, it can be concluded that the researched gummedpaper is quite suitable for the execution of individual perso-nalized orders by electrographic printing


Ключові слова

digital printing method, gummed stamp’ paper, quality assessment, optical indicators of imprints, digital printing defects, цифровий спосіб друку, маркований папір, оцінка якості, оптичні показники відбитків, дефекти цифрового друку

Бібліографічний опис

Khmiliarchuk, O. Research of the influence of digital printing on the optical indicators of imprints of philatelic products ‘on demànd / O. Khmiliarchuk, K. Chepurna, S. Riabokon // Технологія і техніка друкарства : збірник наукових праць. – 2024. – Вип. 2(84). – С. 61-73. – Бібліогр.: 12 назв.