Composite of cellulose-nanofiber-reinforced cellulose acetate butyrate: improvement of mechanical strength by cross-linking of hydroxyl groups
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Today, biocomposites produced from a bio-based filler and bio based matrix are a great attraction, which can present desired functionalities
at a reasonable cost. In this study, cellulose laminates were prepared by
using CNF as a filler and cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) as the polymer
matrix. Cellulose composite material was manufactured by sandwiching
CNF reinforcement filler between CAB matrices using the hot-press
technique. The cross-linking agent polyisocyanurate D376N (STABiO™)
was applied to improve the adhesion between the matrix and filler.
The optimal manufacturing conditions (cross-linker amount, hot-press
pressure, and time) were investigated. When 14.3 wt. % of the cross-linking
agent to the total weight of CNF and CAB was added, the tensile strength
and flexural strength were improved by 72.4% and 16.3%, respectively,
compared with neat CAB. It was concluded that this increase in strength is
a result of both: cross-linking between the CNF sheets as well as the cross linking occurring at the CNF/CAB interface.
Ключові слова
composite material, CAB, CNF, mechanical strength, crosslinking, urethane bond
Бібліографічний опис
Composite of cellulose-nanofiber-reinforced cellulose acetate butyrate: improvement of mechanical strength by cross-linking of hydroxyl groups / Romain Milotskyi, Ryo Serizawa, Gyanendra Sharma, Naoki Wada, Kenji Takahashi // Композиційні матеріали : монографія за матеріалами XІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної WEB-конференції (квітень 2023 р.). – Львів – Торунь : Liha-Pres, 2023. – С. 108-113.